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LRFD Bridge Design Fundamentals and Applications



This book examines and explains material from the 9th edition of the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, including deck and parapet design, load calculations,


  • ISBN: 9781032208367
  • Páginas: 390
  • Tamaño: 17x24
  • Edición:
  • Idioma: Ingles
  • Año: 2022

Disponibilidad: 3 a 7 Días

Contenido LRFD Bridge Design Fundamentals and Applications

This book examines and explains material from the 9th edition of the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, including deck and parapet design, load calculations, limit states and load combinations, concrete and steel I-girder design, bearing design, and more. With increased focus on earthquake resiliency, two separate chapters– one on conventional seismic design and the other on seismic isolation applied to bridges– will fully address this vital topic. The primary focus is on steel and concrete I-girder bridges, with regard to both superstructure and substructure design.


    Includes several worked examples for a project bridge as well as actual bridges designed by the author

    Examines seismic design concepts and design details for bridges

    Presents the latest material based on the 9th edition of the LRFD Bridge Design Specifications

    Covers fatigue, strength, service, and extreme event limit states

    Includes numerous solved problems and exercises at the end of each chapter to illustrate the concepts presented

LRFD Bridge Design: Fundamentals and Applications will serve as a useful text for graduate and upper-level undergraduate civil engineering students as well as practicing structural engineers.




Author biography

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 The Project Bridge
1.2 Preliminary Dimensions
1.3 Bridge Girder Behavior at Various Stages of Construction
1.4 Bridge Materials
1.5 Software for Bridge Engineering
1.6 Section Properties
1.7 Solved Problems
1.8 Exercises

Chapter 2 Loads on Bridges

2.1 Dead Loads (DC and DW)
2.2 Live and Impact Loads (LL and IM)
2.3 Braking Forces (BR)
2.4 Centrifugal Forces (CE).
2.5 Wind Loads (WS and WL)
2.6 Collision Loads (CT and CV)
2.7 Temperature Loads (TU)
2.8 Earthquake Loads (EQ)
2.9 Water Loading (WA)
2.10 Solved Problems
2.11 Exercises

Chapter 3 Load Combinations and Limit States

3.1 Solved Problems
3.2 Exercises

Chapter 4 Deck and Parapet Design

4.1 Parapet Design
4.2 Deck Overhang Design
4.3 Interior Bay Deck Design
4.4 Solved Problems
4.5 Exercises

Chapter 5 Distribution of Live Load

5.1 AASHTO Equations
5.2 The Lever Rule
5.3 Rigid Cross-Section Method.
5.4 Solved Problems.
5.5 Exercises.

Chapter 6 Steel Welded Plate I-Girders

6.1 Flexural Resistance at the Strength Limit State
   6.1.1 Composite Compact Sections in Positive Flexure
   6.1.2 Non-Compact Composite Sections in Positive Flexure.
   6.1.3 Negative Flexure and Non-composite Sections
6.2 Shear Resistance
6.3 Transverse Stiffener Design
6.4 Bearing Stiffener Design
6.5 Fatigue Design
6.6 Field Splice Design
6.7 Stability Bracing
6.8 Shear Studs
6.9 Plastic Moment Computations
6.10 Solved Problems
6.11 Exercises

Chapter 7 Precast Prestressed Concrete Girders

7.1 Stress Analysis
7.2 Flexural Resistance.
7.3 Shear Resistance
7.4 Continuity Details
7.5 Mild Tensile Reinforcement in Girders
7.6 Negative Moment Reinforcement for Girders Made Continuous.
7.7 Transfer and Development Length.
7.8 Stress Control Measures
7.9 Solved Problems
7.10 Exercises

Chapter 8 Bridge Girder Bearings

8.1 Elastomeric Bearings
8.2 Steel Assembly Bearings
8.3 Isolation Bearings
8.4 Anchor Rods.
8.5 Solved Problems..
8.6 Exercises

Chapter 9 Reinforced Concrete Substructures

9.1 Pier Cap Design
9.2 Pier Column Design
9.3 Spread Footing Design
9.4 Pile Cap Design
9.5 Drilled Shaft Design
9.6 Pile Bent Design
9.7 Bridge Pier Displacement Capacity under Seismic Loading
9.8 The Alaska Pile Bent Design Strategy
9.9 Concrete Filled Steel Tubes (CFST)
   9.9.1 CFST Design in Accordance with BDS Sections 6.9.6 and
   9.9.2 CFST Design by BDS Sections 6.9.5 and6. and GS Section 7.6
   9.9.3 Steel Tube Design without Concrete Fill
   9.9.4 CFST Design for Extreme Event Limit States.
9.10 Two-Way Shear
9.11 Fatigue Related Issues in Reinforced Concrete
9.12 Abutment Design.
9.13 Solved Problems
9.14 Exercises

Chapter 10 Seismic Design of Bridges

10.1 Force-based Seismic Design by the LRFD BDS
10.2 Displacement-based Seismic Design by the LRFD GS
10.3 Capacity Design Principles
10.4 Ground Motion Selection and Modification for Response History Analysis
10.5 Substitute-Structure Method (SSM) Analysis
10.6 Shear Resistance at the Extreme Event Limit State
10.7 Solved Problems
10.8 Exercises.

Chapter 11 Seismic Isolation of Bridges

11.1 Partial Isolation of Interstate 40 over State Route 5
11.2 Seismic Retrofit of Interstate 40 over the Mississippi River
11.3 Solved Examples
11.4 Exercises


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