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Underground Infrastructure of Urban Areas 3



Underground infrastructure undoubtedly constitutes one of the most important engineering components of urbanized areas. Such infrastructure includes energy distribution, communications and water, carry away sewage, elements of transportation systems of goods and people, storage facilities of articles, liquids and gases, as well as commercial, recreational and research activities and other functions.


  • ISBN: 978-1-13-802652-0
  • Páginas: 336
  • Tamaño: 17x24
  • Edición:
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Año: 2014

Disponibilidad: 15 a 30 Días

Contenido Underground Infrastructure of Urban Areas 3

Underground infrastructure undoubtedly constitutes one of the most important engineering components of urbanized areas. Such infrastructure includes energy distribution, communications and water, carry away sewage, elements of transportation systems of goods and people, storage facilities of articles, liquids and gases, as well as commercial, recreational and research activities and other functions.

Underground Infrastructure of Urban Areas 3 is dedicated to the research, design, implementation and maintenance of infrastructure systems, as well as communication tunnels and building structures (garages, tanks, etc.) in urbanized areas. The book collects contributions from several countries, presenting current scientific and technical issues associated with this area of the building industry. Both theoretical issues and case studies on the design, execution and testing of underground infrastructures at professional and academic levels are included in the present work.

Presenting the state-of-the-art in underground infrastructure of urbanized areas, the book aims at academics, designers and builders of structures, producers and suppliers of building materials, equipment, and underground structures, and also at those managing and maintaining these structures.


Trenchless installation technologies of sea outfalls, intakes and landfalls

D. Petrow-Ganew, L. Zur Linde & T. Abel

Special cements and concrete durability

A. Garbacik, W. Dro?d? & Z. Giergiczny

Durability of composites made with fly ash—slag cements with a low content of Portland cement clinker

Z. Giergiczny & K. Synowiec

Trenchless pipe construction: Benefits by hard and soft evaluation criteria

H. Görg & A. Krüger

Image processing and analysis as a diagnostic tool for an underground infrastructure technical condition monitoring

H. Kleta & A. Heyduk

Variable-diameter conduits for water grids

A. Kolonko & A. Kolonko

Improved road embankment loess substrate under earthquake hazards

J. Kozubal, A. Szot & D. Steshenko

Influence of PVC pipe deflection on the thickness of CIPP rehabilitation liners

E. Kuliczkowska

The effect of glazing of vitrified clay pipes to load capacity growth of them after rehabilitation with CIPP liners

A. Kuliczkowski & K. Mogielski

The technical and economic conditions for the construction of the central section of Metro Line II in Warsaw

J. Lejk

Deformations of corrugated steel tunnel during construction

C. Machelski & L. Janusz

Microtunneling as an alternative for crossing rivers during the execution of urban network infrastructure

C. Madryas, L. Wysocki, J. O?mia?owski & M. O?mia?owski

The FEM back-analysis of earth pressure coefficient at rest in Brno clay K0 with the homogenization of steel/shotcrete lining

J. Rott & D. Mašín

Risk assessment for infrastructures of urban areas

P.M. Mayer, A.S. Corriols, P. Hartkorn & M. Messing

Influence of experience acquired in the construction of the Warsaw Metro on current designs of underground structures

H. Michalak

Modern devices for detecting leakages in water supply networks

K. Miszta-Kruk, M. Kwietniewski, A. Malesi?ska & J. Chudzicki

Evaluation of deep excavation impact on surrounding structures—a case study

M. Mitew-Czajewska

Vertical drilling depths in solid rock with the flame melting drilling technique

D.P.F. Moeller & R. Bielecki

Analysis of selected aspects of the operation of pipelines renewed with the relining method on the basis of laboratory testing results

B. Nienartowicz

Impact of pressure control on water loses in distribution net

F.G. Piechurski

Key factors of success in pipe jacking, explained by means of a project realized in the Atacama desert—the first jacking project in Chile after almost 20 years: Preparation is the key!

B. Prommegger

Trenchless technologies for the construction of small diameter water supply and sewer networks—selected issues

B. Przyby?a

Realistic classification of stoneware sewerage network technical condition

A. Raganowicz, J. Dziopak & D. S?y?

Models of level diversification assessment of Water Supply Subsystem

J.R. Rak & A. W?och

Construction of metro station underneath the existing road tunnel

A. Siemi?ska-Lewandowska

Hydraulic analysis of functioning of the Przemy?l town sewage system

D. S?y?, J. Dziopak & A. Raganowicz

Buried steel structures in urban infrastructure—underpass on the Kapitulna street in W?oc?awek

P. Tomala, A. Marecki, M. Woch & K. Miko?ajczak

Application of prestressed concrete pipes to deep pipelines

R. Wróblewski & A. Kmita

The specificity of construction of eco civil engineering objects in transport infrastructure using trenchless technology

A. Wysokowski & C. Madryas

Subway in Wroclaw

M. ?abi?ski, M. Gallas, K. Herma-Lempart, M. Koz?owska-?wi?conek, M. Majka, P. Matyja, A. Ryga?a & B. Stopka

The Wroc?aw metro: Geology, hydrogeology and tunneling perspective

A. ?ela?niewicz & PAN-METRO Group

Analysis and evaluation of progress in the implementation of a road tunnel under the Martwa Wis?a River in Gda?sk, Poland

I. ?ygowska, P. Czech, S. Gapi?ski, A. ?osi?ski, K. Smolibowska & A. Templin

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