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Energy Geostructures: Innovation in Underground Engineering



The authors of this book discuss the recent advances and current knowledge in the geotechnical design of energy geostructures. Energy geostructures have been a tremendous innovation in the field of foundation engineering and are rapidly spreading all around the world. They enable a renewable and clean source of energy to be produced, which can be used for the heating and cooling of buildings. This technology links the structural role of geostructures with the energy supply, using the principle of shallow geothermal energy. This book provides a sound grounding in this challenging area.


  • ISBN: 978-1-84821-572-6
  • Páginas: 320
  • Tamaño: 17x24
  • Edición:
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Año: 2013

Disponibilidad: 15 a 30 Días

Contenido Energy Geostructures: Innovation in Underground Engineering

The authors of this book discuss the recent advances and current knowledge in the geotechnical design of energy geostructures.
Energy geostructures have been a tremendous innovation in the field of foundation engineering and are rapidly spreading all around the world. They enable a renewable and clean source of energy to be produced, which can be used for the heating and cooling of buildings. This technology links the structural role of geostructures with the energy supply, using the principle of shallow geothermal energy. This book provides a sound grounding in this challenging area.


L. Laloui and A. Di Donna


1. Energy geostructures and related thermo-mechanical behaviour of soils

A. Di Donna, T. Mimouni, L. Laloui

Physical modeling of energy piles at different scales

2. Experiences with the real scale energy piles testing

T. Mimouni, L. Laloui

3. Observed response of energy geo-structures

P. Bourne Webb et al.

4. Behaviour of heat exchanger piles from physical modeling

A. M. Tang, J.M Pereira, G. Hassen, N. Yavari

5. Physical modeling of energy piles in centrifuge testing

Mc Cartney

Numerical modeling of energy geostructures

6. Numerical analysis of seasonal heat storage in energy geo-structures: pile foundations, tunnels and bridges

F. Dupray, T. Mimouni, A. Di Donna, L. Laloui

7. Numerical analysis of bearing capacity of a thermo-active pile under thermal cyclic solicitation

M.E. Suryatriyastuti, H. Mroueh, S. Burlon

8. Energy geostructures in unsaturated soils

J. Mc Cartney

9. Energy geostructures in glacial and tropical climatic areas

J.L Briaud, G. Akrouch

10. Impact of transient heat diffusion of thermo-active piles in surrounded soil

M.E. Suryatriyastuti, H. Mroueh, S. Burlon

11. Numerical modeling of heat exchanger piles used for bridges deicing

G. Olgun et al.

Engineering practice

12. Current practice for the design of energy piles

P. Bourne-Webb et al.

13. Thermopile: a numerical tool for the design of energy piles

A. Di Donna, T. Mimouni, L. Laloui

14. A case study : the Dock Midfield of Zurich airport

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