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Advanced landfill liner systems



This book summarises the results of 27 reseach projects carried out within a DM 15 million integrated research programme in Germany.The results show that the mechanical properties of earthen and materials can be improved and that testing methods a


  • ISBN: 0727725904
  • Páginas: 338
  • Tamaño: 22X28
  • Edición:
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Año: 1997

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Contenido Advanced landfill liner systems

This book summarises the results of 27 research projects carried out within a DM15 million integrated research programme in Germany. The results show that the mechanical properties of earthen and cut-off materials can be improved and that testing methods and apparatus are available for the determination of critical values. The research programme provides a deeper understanding of the performance of construction materials and the long-term behaviour of landfill liners and this will all help in the future design of safer landfills.



List of projects

Research overview

Mechanical loading on earthen liners,damage due to subsidence

Water balance, the risk of desiccation in earthen liners

Contaminant transport, fundamentals and minimisation

Physical, chemical and biochemical influences on mineral liner materials

Construction techniques, quality management

Cut-offs walls

Safety and system amalysis

Geotextile protective layer system for geomembranes

Leachate drainage systems

Conclusinons and outlook

Project reports

Development of a safety concept for landfill liner systems

Influence of mechanical loading on the performance of mineral landfill liners

Investigation of limiting values of deformability for mineral landfill liners by simulation of deformations in 1:1 scale tests

Construction tchniques in the construcion of composite landfill liners

Development of proposals for liner structures - theoretical and experimental investigation

Redox-dependent mineralogical and chemical changes in clayey landfill basal liners and their soil mechanical effects

Maintenance of the functioning of landfill drainage systems

Self-healing behaviour with regard to permeability of mineral sealing materials in disturbed landfill liners/liner systems

Long-term behaviour of earthen layers in landfill basal liners, moisture balance under thermal effects

Thermal effects on the barrier efficiency of composite liners - test field measurements

Non-isothermal water and vapour movement below landfills: laboratory experiments on the computer simulations of desiccation in mineral liners

Experimental and numerical studies of contaminant transport through mineral liners and resulting improvements in liner materials

Investigation of the feasibility of mining techniques for the subsequent lining of existing landfills

Hydraulic control mechanisms for landfill liner systems

Geomembranes under punctiform loads

Investigation into the long-term integrity of protective materials for geomembranes in landfill basal liners

Practice-oriented investigation to improve geotextile protective layer system for geomembranes with regard to their long-term protective efficacy

Investigations into the influence of the drainage aperture in plastic drainage pipes to optimise their long-term stability under landfill conditions

Design of capillary barriers for capping of landfillls and contaminated sites

Effects of overburden pressure and degree of drainage on the soil-water characteristics of earthen liners

Stress-strain behaviour of high-density slurry materials for groundwater protection cut-off walls around landfills and contaminated land, development of practice oriented test methods and assessment criteria

Optimising processing techniques for mineral landfill liner construction

Permeability and stress-strain behaviour fo fibre-reinforced soils for landfill liner systems

Investigations into the frost susceptibility of mineral landfill liners, problems affecting stability and precautions to be taken

Influence of filter cake growth and solid matter shift on the quality, feasibility and cost of slurry trence cut-off walls

Innovative construction materials for waste containment barriers: biochemical durability and contaminant transport

Designing a method of total area leakage monitoring for landfill liners


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