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Port Designer's Handbook



Now in its fourth edition, Port Designer’s Handbook is the definitive guide to the layout, design and construction of harbours and port structures. Fully in line with the latest PIANC recommendations, this book covers all aspects of port planning and design from the impact of environmental on harbours, health and safety, maintenance and repair of port structures and channel and harbour basins.


  • ISBN: 9780727763075
  • Páginas: 664
  • Tamaño: 17x24
  • Edición:
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Año: 2019

Disponibilidad: 3 a 7 Días

Contenido Port Designer's Handbook

Now in its fourth edition, Port Designer’s Handbook is the definitive guide to the layout, design and construction of harbours and port structures. Fully in line with the latest PIANC recommendations, this book covers all aspects of port planning and design from the impact of environmental on harbours, health and safety, maintenance and repair of port structures and channel and harbour basins. Particular attention is given to the impact of ships including berthing requirements, ship dimension tables and container terminals.

This fully revised edition has also seen the material updated to provide coverage of:

    new design and construction methods of the quay structures
    floating berth structures for large vessels
    detail evaluation of the necessary mooring system
    evaluation of the bollard system and layout
    new design and evaluation of the fender system according to the new PIANC recommendation
    updating the design of the erosion problem in the front of the quay due to the ship propellers
    concrete in port structures
    and much more.

With an intuitive layout where you easily can find information on practical construction methods, Carl A. Thoresen’s guide is an essential purchase for all practicing port and harbour engineers, designers and contractors as well as students new to this continually developing area.

Book Reviews

"The Port Designer’s Handbook is well known to maritime engineers worldwide. It provides practical guidance, mainly based on the author’s experience in Norwegian practice and solutions, for all those responsible for the design of port and harbour structures.  

The author uses his more than 50 years’ experience of working on some 850 port and harbour projects to provide guidance and recommendations on the layout, design and construction of modern port structures, and the forces and loadings acting upon them.

The fourth edition includes changes to design and construction of berths for large vessels due to new developments in construction and use of new materials. The chapter on port planning is extensive but could usefully include more on masterplanning. The types of concrete and steel deterioration and methods of repair are extensively covered, as is safety, with sections on specification, design, construction, personnel and operation."

Nigel Bodell, Bodell Port Consultancy Ltd, UK   
There are very worthwhile structural engineering chapters on ship impact, safety considerations, erosion protection, steel corrosion, underwater concreting, concrete deterioration, and concrete maintenance and repair; and these again accentuate the need to consider constructability / durability / maintainability issues within the design phase.  As an example, anti-washout concrete is advocated in Chapter 18 Underwater Concreting.

(…) It contains pragmatic structural advice which can be applied to any project with even a minor maritime element, and which can also potentially be adapted to many other project types.    

P G Thurlow BE (Hons) CEng MICE

The book deals with various international standards, and new calculation methods for quays etc.  These are based on PIANC's-, the German EAU - and the English BSI - recommendations. The Spanish ROM guidelines are also emphasized in the work. In Norway the book is called Port Designer’s Bible.

    new reviews about how quays should be constructed and built
    mooring principles of different types of ships at various port facilities
    entrance to channels
    new tables of vessels, sizes and types
    design and area review of quay- and container areas
    updated information related to state of the art container equipment
    automation of container handling
    new methods for dimension of fenders
    ports in Arctic conditions
    repair of quays
    floating docks in general as well as the floating breakwaters.



About the author

1  Port planning

1.1. Introduction
1.2. Planning procedures
1.3. Subsurface investigations
1.4. Hydraulic laboratory studies
1.5. Life-cycle management
1.6. Safety management and risk assessment
1.7. The International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code and the Container Security Initiative (CSI)
References and further reading

2 Environmental forces

2.1. General
2.2. Wind
2.3. Waves
2.4. Floating wave breakwater
2.5. Current
2.6. Ice forces
References and further reading

3 Channels and harbour basins

3.1. Channels and waterways
3.2. Harbour basin
3.3. Anchorage areas
3.4. Area of refuge
3.5. Grounding areas
References and further reading

4 Berthing requirements

4.1. Operational conditions
4.2. Navigation
4.3. Tugboat assistance
4.4. Wind and wave restrictions
4.5. Ship movements
4.6. Passing ships
4.7. Visibility
4.8. Port regulations
4.9. Availability of a berth
References and further reading

5  Impact from ships

5.1. General
5.2. The theoretical or kinetic method
5.3. The empirical method
5.4. The statistical method
5.5. Abnormal impacts
5.6. Absorption of fender forces
5.7. Ship ‘hanging’ on the fenders
References and further reading

6 Design considerations

6.1. General
6.2. Design life
6.3. Standards, guidelines and design codes
6.4. Load combinations and limit states
6.5. Load and concurrency factors
6.6. Material factors and material strength
6.7. Characteristic loads from the sea side
6.8. Vertical loads on berth structures
6.9. Horizontal loads on the berth
6.10. Characteristic loads from the land side
6.11. Summary of loads acting from the sea side
References and further reading

7 Safety considerations

7.1. General
7.2. Specification safety
7.3. Design safety
7.4. Construction safety
7.5. Personnel safety
7.6. Operational safety
7.7. Total safety
References and further reading

8 Types of berth structures

8.1. General
8.2. Vertical loads
8.3. Horizontal loads
8.4. Factors affecting the choice of structures
8.5. Norwegian and international berth construction
References and further reading

9 Gravity wall structures

9.1. General
9.2. Block wall berths
9.3. Caisson berths
9.4. Cell berths
References and further reading

10 Sheet pile wall structures

10.1. General
10.2. Driving of steel sheet piles
10.3. Simple anchored sheet pile wall berths
10.4. Solid platform berths
10.5. Semi-solid platform berth
10.6. Drainage of steel sheet piles
10.7. Berth structures in artic conditions
References and further reading

11 Open berth structures

11.1. General
11.2. Column berths
11.3. Pile berths
11.4. Lamella berths
11.5. Open berth slabs
References and further reading

12 Floating berth structures

12.1. General
12.2. Mooring systems
12.3. Floating quays and load levels
References and further reading

13   Berth details

13.1. General
13.2. Traditional mooring system
13.3. Automatic mooring system
13.4. Lighting
13.5. Electric power supply
13.6. Potable and raw water supply
13.7. Water drainage system
13.8. Sewage disposal
13.9. Oil and fuel interceptors
13.10. Access ladders
13.11. Handrails and guardrails
13.12. Kerbs
13.13. Lifesaving equipment
13.14. Pavements
13.15. Crane rails
References and further reading

14 Container terminal

14.1. Site location
14.2. Existing areas
14.3. Container ships
14.4. Container terminal areas
14.5. Container handling equipment
14.6. Container handling systems in the container stacking area
14.7. Container berth and terminal area requirements and capacity
14.8. Hinterland 396
14.9. The world’s largest container ports
References and further reading

15 .Fenders

15.1. General
15.2. Fender requirements
15.3. Surface-protecting and energy-absorbing fenders
15.4. Different types of fender
15.5. Installation
15.6. Effects of fender compression
15.7. Properties of a fender
15.8. Single- and double-fender systems
15.9. Fender wall
15.10. Hull pressure
15.11. Spacing of fenders
15.12. Cost of fenders
15.13. Damage to fender structures
15.14. Calculation examples
15.15. Information from fender manufacturers
References and further reading

16 Erosion protection

16.1. General
16.2. Erosion due to wave action
16.3. Erosion due to the main propeller action
16.4. Erosion due to thrusters
16.5. The required stone protection layer
16.6. Erosion protection systems
16.7. Operational guidelines
References and further reading

17 .Steel corrosion

17.1. General
17.2. Corrosion rate
17.3. Astronomical low water corrosion
17.4. Corrosion protection systems
17.5. Stray current corrosion
References and further reading

18  Underwater concreting

18.1. General
18.2. Different methods of underwater concreting
18.3. The tremie pipe method
18.4. The production of concrete for use in tremie pipes
18.5. Anti-washout (AWO) concrete
18.6. Damage during construction of new structures
18.7. Repairs of new concrete
18.8. Concrete plant and supervision
References and further reading

19  Concrete deterioration

19.1. General
19.2. Durability of concrete berth structures
19.3. Freezing and thawing
19.4. Erosion
19.5. Chemical deterioration
19.6. Corrosion of reinforcement
19.7. Resistivity
19.8. Condition survey
19.9. Concrete cover
19.10. Surface treatments
19.11. Condition survey
19.12. Overloading of the berth structure
19.13. In situ quality control
References and further reading

20  Concrete maintenance and repair

20.1. General
20.2. Assessment
20.3. Maintenance manual and service inspection
20.4. Condition of a structure
20.5. Repairs of concrete
20.6. Repairs in zone 1 (permanently submerged)
20.7. Repairs in zone 2 (tidal zone)
20.8. Repairs in zone 3 (the splash zone or the area above highest astronomical tide (HAT))
20.9. Cathodic protection
20.10. Chloride extraction
20.11. Cost of repairs
References and further reading

21 Port maintenance

21.1. Responsibility for maintenance
21.2. Spares
21.3. Management information
21.4. Maintenance personnel
21.5. Plant and equipment
21.6. Infrastructure
21.7. Optimisation of design to reduce future maintenance costs
21.8. Maintenance management
21.9. Maintenance strategy
21.10. Inspections
21.11. Rating and prioritisation
21.12. Condition assessment ratings
21.13. Post-event condition ratings
21.14. Recommendations and follow-up actions
21.15. Repair prioritisation
20.16. Maintenance data management
References and further reading

22  Ship dimensions

22.1. General
22.2. Ship dimensions
22.3. Recommended design dimensions
22.4. Recommendations
References and further reading

23 Definitions

References and further reading

24 Conversion factors

24.1. Length

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