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Flood Scour for Bridges and Highways: Prevention and Control of Soil Erosion



  • ISBN: 9780071825078
  • Tamaño: 17x24
  • Edición:
  • Idioma: Español
  • Año: 2018

Disponibilidad: 24 horas

Contenido Flood Scour for Bridges and Highways: Prevention and Control of Soil Erosion

Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.Proven methods for preventing and mitigating bridge and highway flood scour

Offering detailed guidelines on bridge scour countermeasures, this comprehensive resource provides a proactive strategy for the design and construction of bridges to prevent scour, as well as a reactive plan for post-flood disaster management.

Topics discussed include erosion, causes of scour, AASHTO design codes, hydrology, hydraulics, scour analysis, inspection methods, and modern materials technology. Real-world case studies illustrate the concepts presented. The authoritative information in this practical guide will help you to develop more efficient and cost-effective design processes and bridge management systems for river bridges subjected to floods.

Flood Scour for Bridges and Highways covers:

    Floods, scour problems, and mitigation
    River instability caused by flow obstructions
    Past failures and bridges vulnerable to failure
    Geotechnical and hydraulic issues at scour-critical rivers and bridges
    Hydrology, floods, and scour-critical bridges
    Estimating scour depths and selecting applicable countermeasures
    Inspections, ratings, and monitoring countermeasures
    FHWA, HEC-18, and HEC-23 scour countermeasures as remediation
    Innovative methods of flood control and disaster management

A About the Author
B Preface
C Symbols

1 PART 1: Erosion Problems, Review of Failures, and Progress Made
 1 Water May Quench Thirst But May Also Drown

1.1 Generation of Floods and Disruptions to Life
1.2 The Hydrologic Cycle and Multiple Sources of Floods
1.3 Need for Nationwide Checkup on Infrastructure Health
1.4 A Survey of Recent Floods That Affected Infrastructure
1.5 Need to Maintain Transportation Network at Reasonable Cost
1.6 Global Problems of Flood Hazards, Drought, and Water Conservation
1.7 Asset Management to Include Flood Mitigation Measures
1.8 Developing an Environmental Policy for Floods
1.9 Current Bridge Scour Control Practice
1.10 Precautions and Solutions
1.11 Conclusions
1.12 Bibliography

2 River Instability Caused by Flow Obstructions

2.1 Floodplain Formation
2.2 Erosive Effects of Floods and Tides on Transportation
2.4 Basic Concepts of Open-Channel Hydraulics
2.5 Hydraulic Issues of Bridges on Waterways
2.6 Role of Movable Bridges to Facilitate Navigation in Rivers
2.7 Debris Accumulation Upstream of Bridges
2.8 Planning and Design Issues to Restrict Scour at Scour-Critical Bridges
2.9 Bridge Performance Based on AASHTO (LRFD) Load Combinations for the Extreme Conditions
2.10 Project Funding Requirements and Regulations
2.11 Conclusions
2.12 Bibliography

3 Scour Countermeasures as Remediation

3.1 Scour Mitigation Using Various Types of Countermeasures
3.2 Modifications to FHWA HEC-23 Countermeasures Matrix
3.3 Applications of FHWA HEC-18 and HEC-23 Procedures
3.4 Case Studies of Scour-Prone and Scour-Critical Rivers
3.5 Methods for Investigating Conditions of Existing Footings
3.6 Streamlining of Structural Elements for Efficient Planning
3.7 Selection of Flood-Resistant Countermeasures
3.8 Factors Affecting Detailed Design of Countermeasures
3.9 Use of Rock Riprap as Temporary Armoring
3.10 Applying Modern Techniques to Contain Erosion
3.12 Design Guidelines for Armoring Countermeasures Other Than Riprap
3.13 Conclusions
3.14 Bibliography
4 Innovative Methods of Flood Disaster Management

4.1 Overview of Scour Repairs
4.2 Adopting Precautions to Prevent Failures
4.3 Introducing a Fresh Approach in Countermeasure Design and Construction
4.4 Utilizing Advancements in Construction Technology
4.5 Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC) over River and Replacement Methods
4.6 Developing Design Codes for River Bridges for ABC and for Flood Conditions
4.7 Applications of Modern Construction Materials
4.8 Use of Recyclable Materials Technology
4.9 Use of Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Concrete and Products
4.10 Advancements in Concrete Technology
4.11 Developments in Steel Materials and Metallurgy
4.12 Performance of Steel Bridges over Rivers
4.13 Continuing Education in New Technology Applications for Engineers
4.14 FHWA TIGER Program Funding
4.15 Conclusions
4.16 Bibliography

5 Past Failures of Bridges and Those Vulnerable to Failure

5.1 How River Bridges Become Structurally Deficient
5.2 Vulnerability to Failure of Bridges on Waterways
5.3 Analysis of River Bridge Failures
5.4 Typical Bridge Failures from Scour
5.5 Lessons Learned from European Bridge Failures
5.6 Bridge Failures from Ship Impact on Substructure or Superstructure
5.7 Additional List of Failures of River Bridges
5.8 Case Studies of Well-Known Bridge Failures
5.9 Forensic Engineering Application to Bridge Failures
5.10 Recommendations for Avoiding Failures
5.11 Rehabilitation and Repair of Existing Structures
5.12 Underwater Repairs
5.13 Preventive Actions for Vessel Collision or Floating Ice Impacts
5.14 Conclusions
5.15 Bibliography

2 Hydrology, Hydraulics, Scour Analysis, and Inspection Methods

6 Geotechnical and Hydraulic Issues at Scour-Critical Rivers and Bridges

6.1 Standard Procedures for Hydraulic Analysis and Design
6.2 Application of AASHTO Specifications for Foundation Design
6.3 Modeling for Hydraulic Analysis
6.4 Performing Scour Analysis
6.5 Scour of Piles, Pile Groups, and Caissons
6.6 Contents of a Hydraulic Report and Guidelines
6.7 Guidelines for Preparing Geotechnical Reports and Plans, Specifications
6.8 Foundation Modification by Structural Countermeasures
6.9 Investigating Unknown Foundations
6.10 Types of Foundation Selection for New Bridges
6.11 Conclusions
6.12 Bibliography

7 Hydrology, Floods, and Selection of Scour-Critical Bridges

7.2 Methods of Hydrologic Analysis
7.3 USGS StreamStats Software
7.4 Case Studies of Peak Flood Computations Using Practical Examples
7.5 Scour Practice Survey in U.S. States
7.6 Identifying Scour-Critical Bridges on Flood-Prone Rivers
7.7 Planning of Structures in Relation to Hydrology Data
7.8 Substructure Planning for New Bridges
7.9 Planning Considerations for Superstructures Based on Hydrology and Hydraulics
7.10 Formation of Scour Holes during Floods
7.11 Conclusions
7.12 Bibliography

8 Estimating Scour Depths and Selecting Applicable Countermeasures

8.1 Need for Inspection, Scour Studies, and Remediation
8.2 Factors Affecting Scour
8.3 Rating of Scour-Critical Bridges Using the Pennsylvania SCBI Method
8.4 Use of Hydraulic Assessment Checklist
8.5 Vulnerability Index for Scour-Critical Bridges
8.6 Scour Case Studies by the Author
8.7 Case Study of Countermeasure Evaluation
8.8 Applications of Computer Software for Scour Analysis
8.9 Scour Depth—A Concern for the Bridge Engineer
8.10 Precautions to Minimize Flood Damage
8.11 Conclusions
8.12 Bibliography

9 Inspections, Monitoring, and Flood Management

9.1 Need for Underwater Inspection, Monitoring, and Vigilance
9.2 Floodwater Sources and Rise of Water Level at Bridges
9.3 Maintaining the River Environment
9.4 Emergency Bridge Protection Measures
9.5 Essentials of Scour Monitoring Program
9.6 Description of Monitoring Measures
9.7 Methods for Investigating Scour Conditions for Vulnerable Foundations
9.8 Adopting a Flood Watch List for Scour-Critical Rivers
9.9 Plans and Preliminary Estimates
9.10 Pennsylvania DOT Bridge Scour Evaluation Program
9.11 Scour Studies Listed in Inspection Reports of Sample Bridges
9.12 Innovative Techniques for Monitoring
9.13 Essentials of Postflood Disaster Management
9.14 Role of Environmental Agencies Such as FEMA and EPA to Combat Floods
9.15 Flood Disaster Management in India and Pakistan
9.16 Conclusions
9.17 Bibliography

A Sample Scour Calculations (HEC-18)
B Sample ABSCOUR Solved Example

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