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Designing and Constructing Prestressed Bridges



Designing and Constructing Prestressed Bridges shows how designs using prestressing methods can be utilised in the building of bridge structures. Prestressed bridges can be used in a variety of locations and styles and it can often be difficult to understand the intricacies of the design.


  • ISBN: 9780727763853
  • Páginas: 249
  • Tamaño: 17x24
  • Edición:
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Año: 2020

Disponibilidad: 24 horas

Contenido Designing and Constructing Prestressed Bridges

Designing and Constructing Prestressed Bridges shows how designs using prestressing methods can be utilised in the building of bridge structures. Prestressed bridges can be used in a variety of locations and styles and it can often be difficult to understand the intricacies of the design. This book solves this concern by discussing the aspects of bridge design in order to find the most appropriate solution. It focuses on troubleshooting the problems that are connected with finding the correct structural solution of bridges, the methods of their construction and the corresponding arrangement of prestressing steel.
 With numerous examples of best practice, this heavily illustrated book covers
• function and analysis of prestressing
• influence of creep and shrinkage of concrete
• behaviour of structures in service and ultimate stage
• special problems of the structural analysis connected with different construction methods.

Designing and Constructing Prestressed Bridges is of interest to practicing engineers, junior engineers and students requiring a clear guide for troubleshooting this complex area of structural engineering.

Table Contents

About the authors

1 Introduction


2  Effects of prestressing

2.1. Prestressing – technology
2.2. Effects of prestressing
2.3. Prestressing losses

3  Structural types

3.1. Decks of bridges of typical width
3.2. Deck of wide bridges
3.3. Bridges supported in the deck axis
3.4. Arch and frame bridges
3.5. Cable-supported bridges
3.6. Stress-ribbon bridges

4 Bridge types

4.1. Buried and one-span bridges
4.2. Motorway overpasses
4.3. Skew crossings
4.4. Urban viaducts
4.5. Motorway and highway viaducts
4.6. Bridges over rivers
4.7. Bridges over deep valleys
4.8. Footbridges

5 Bridge construction

5.1. Cast-in-place structures
5.2. Precast structures
5.3. Hybrid structures

6  Structural concrete

6.1. Behaviour of structural concrete
6.2. Design philosophy

7 Effects of concrete creep and shrinkage

7.1. Creep and shrinkage functions
7.2. Time-dependent analysis
7.3. Redistribution of the stresses between members of different age
7.4. Redistribution of the stresses due to the deformations of supports
7.5. Redistribution of stresses in structures in which the static systems change
7.6. Balancing the dead load
7.7. Balancing the dead load in cable-stayed structures
7.8. Redistribution of stresses in the decks of progressively erected structures
References 1

8 . Analysis of concrete bridges

8.1. Elastic modelling of concrete bridges
8.2. Analysis of two basic structural types
8.3. Beam analysis for the box girder
8.4. Grillage analysis
8.5. Analyses of bridge decks
8.6. Curved structures and members
8.7. Cable-supported bridges
8.8. Curved arch and cable-supported structures
8.9. Strut-and-tie analyses of selected problems

9 Structures assembled of precast beams

9.1. Precast girder decks
9.2. Continuous structures
9.3. Long-span bridges
9.4. Precast overpasses
9.5. Precast arch structures

10 Span-by-span construction

10.1. Span-by-span construction of cast-in-place structures
10.2. Incrementally launched structures
10.3. Span-by-span erection of precast segmental structures
10.4. Progressive erection of precast segmental structures
References 2

11 Cantilever construction

11.1. Deck
11.2. Supports – stability of the erected structures
11.3. Deck above the piers
11.4. Design of the prestressing and camber


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