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Bridge design to eurocodes: UK implementation



As of April 2010, Eurocodes replaced British Standards as the principal design standards for bridges in the UK. In support of the transition the Bridge Design to Eurocodes: UK Implementation conference held at the Institution of Civil Engineers in November 2010 brought important background and explanatory information into the public domain


  • ISBN: 9780727741509
  • Páginas: 503
  • Tamaño: 17X25
  • Edición:
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Año: 2011

Disponibilidad Inmediata

Contenido Bridge design to eurocodes: UK implementation

As of April 2010, Eurocodes replaced British Standards as the principal design standards for bridges in the UK. In support of the transition the Bridge Design to Eurocodes: UK Implementation conference held at the Institution of Civil Engineers in November 2010 brought important background and explanatory information into the public domain. The proceedings of this conference provide an enduring record of the UK’s Eurocodes implementation for bridge design, with papers written by invited experts who have been at the very heart of Eurocode developments in the UK. Readers are provided with the key technical decisions taken in the development of the National Annexes, as well as important sources of complementary information and practical advice on applying the codes.

Providing definitive, essential and practical information on the implementation of the Eurocodes for bridge design in the UK, this book is essential reading for bridge owners, managers, designers, consultants, contractors, local or central government engineers, academics, and software developers, that is anyone interested or involved in the design, build, maintenance or ownership of bridges.


SECTION 1-1: Overview of Eurocode implementation and programme

UK implementation of Eurocodes for bridge - An overview
Eurocode implementation-The European context
Eurocode implementation by the Highway Agency
Local Authority implementation of Eurocodes
Railway implementation of Eurocodes
Early applications of Eurocodes  in UK bridge design practice

SECTION 1-2: EN1990 – Basis of Structural Design

Understanding key concepts of EN 1990
Development of UK NA for EN 1990 Annex A2
Design performance requirements for railway bridges in BS EN 1990.2002

SECTION 1-3: EN1991 – Actions EN1998 - Seismic Design

Overview of actions in EN 1991 and EN 1998 for bridge
The UK Natioanl Annex to BS EN 1991.1.4 BS EN 1991.1. and PD 6688.1.7
Provisions of the UK NA for EN 1991-2 for highway and footbridges
Provisions of the UK National Annex for EN 1991                                            
Overview of earthquake design and development of UK NA for EN 1998-2 and PD 6698
EN 1990 and EN 1991-Practice paper.Understanding combinations of actions

SECTION 1-4: EN1992 – Concrete

EN 1993:Overview of steel bridge design EN 1993
The UK NA for EN 1992-2
EN 1992.2 PD 6687-2 Recommendations for the design of concrete bridges
Design for early age thermal cracking
Design of concrete slab element in biaxial bending
Specifications of concrete bridges
Design illustration-concrete bridge design

SECTION 2-1: EN1993 – Steel

EN 1993 Overview of steel bridge design to EN 1993
The UK national annexes to BS EN 1993-2 BS 1993-1-11 and BS EN 1993-1.12
EN 1993-1-5 The UK NA for EN 1993-1-5
EN 1993-2- PD 6695-2 Recommndations for the design of steel bridges
The Uk National Annex to BS EN 1993-1-9 2005 and PD 6695-1-9.2008
The UK National Annex to BS EN 1993.1.10.2005 and PD 6695-1-10-2009
EN 1992 Practice paper Buckling analysis of steel bridges
BS EN 1090-2 2008 and PD 6705-2-2010

SECTION 2-2: EN1994 – Composite EN1995 - Timber

EN 1994-2 Overview of composite bridge design the UK NA FOR EN 1994-2
Design illustration Composite highway bridges
Overview of timber design and the UK NA for EN 1995-2

SECTION 2-3: EN 1997 – Geotechnical

Overview of geotechnical design bridges and the provisions of UK NA for EN 1997.1
PD 6694.1 Recommendation for the design of bridges and the provisions of UK NA for EN 1997-1
Development of traffic surchange models for highway structures
Developments in integral bridge design
Design illustration

SECTION 2-4: Application Future developments

Maintenance and future development of the Eurocode

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