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Structures and Construction in Historic Building Conservation



This book is the second in a series of volumes that combine conservation philosophy in the built environment with knowledge of traditional materials, and structural and constructional conservation techniques and technology:


  • ISBN: 978-1-118-91622-3
  • Páginas: 244
  • Tamaño: 17x24
  • Edición:
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Año: 2014

Disponibilidad: 15 a 30 Días

Contenido Structures and Construction in Historic Building Conservation

This book is the second in a series of volumes that combine conservation philosophy in the built environment with knowledge of traditional materials, and structural and constructional conservation techniques and technology:

    Understanding Historic Building Conservation
    Structures & Construction in Historic Building Conservation
    Materials & Skills for Historic Building Conservation

The series aims to introduce each aspect of conservation and to provide concise, basic and up-to-date knowledge for architects, surveyors and engineers as well as for commissioning client bodies, managers and advisors.

In each book, Michael Forsyth draws together chapters by leading architects, structural engineers and related professionals to reflect the interdisciplinary nature of conservation work. The books are structured to be of direct practical application, taking the reader through the process of historic building conservation and emphasising throughout the integrative teamwork involved.

This present volume – Structures & Construction in Historic Building Conservation - traces the history of structures in various materials and contains guidance on the survey, assessment and diagnosis of structures and the integration of building code requirements within the historic fabric.

It discusses conservation engineering philosophy, exposes the conflict between building codes and conservation legislation, and offers solutions. Leading-edge, on-site metric survey techniques are described and a range of structural advice is given, including methods of repair in relation to philosophical principles. Causes of induced movement in historic buildings are explained, together with basic soil mechanics and the assessment and diagnosis of structural failure. Chapters also cover the conservation of different types of construction: masonry, iron and steel, and concrete and reinforced concrete.

Fourteen chapters written by the experts present today's key issues in structures and construction for historic building conservation: Bill Blake, Michael Bussell, David Cook, Dina F. D'Ayala, Steve Emery, Michael Forsyth, Ian Hume, Peter Norris

Table of Contents



1 What is conservation engineering?

Dina F. D'Ayala and Michael Forsyth

2 The philosophy of conservation engineering
Ian Hume

3 The Building Regulations and related legislation
Peter Norris

4 Metric survey techniques for historic buildings
Bill Blake

5 Investigating, monitoring and load testing historic structures
Ian Hume

6 Basic soil mechanics, foundations and repair of settlement damage
David Cook

7 Effects of induced movement
Michael Bussell

8 Repairs to historic structures
Ian Hume

9 Numerical modelling of masonry structures
Dina F. D'Ayala

10 Use of iron and steel in buildings
Michael Bussell

11 Conservation of concrete and reinforced concrete
Michael Bussell

12 Fire safety and historic buildings
Steve Emery

13 The effects of road traffic vibration on historic buildings
Ian Hume

14 Scaffolding and temporary works for historic structures
Ian Hume



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