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Ground Improvement Case Histories, Chemical, Electrokinetic, Thermal and Bioengineering



Written by an international group of experts, Ground Improvement Case Histories: Chemical, Electrokinetic, Thermal and Bioengineering Methods provides over 700 pages of case-histories collected from all over the world. Each case-history provides an overview of the specific technology followed by applications, and in some cases, comprehensive back analysis through numerical modelling is discussed


  • ISBN: 9780081001912
  • Páginas: 724
  • Tamaño: 17x24
  • Edición:
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Año: 2015

Disponibilidad: 3 a 7 Días

Contenido Ground Improvement Case Histories, Chemical, Electrokinetic, Thermal and Bioengineering

• Provides recent case histories using chemical and bio-engineering methods by world-renowned engineering experts

• Includes over 200 illustrations and 150 equations from relevant topics, including state-of-the-art chemical and bioengineering methods
• Presents comprehensive analysis methods using numerical modelling methods
•Case histories include the "Effect of Drainage and Grouting on the World's Longest Seikan Undersea Tunnel Construction" and "Cement/Lime Mixing Ground Improvement for Road Construction on Soft Ground"


Written by an international group of experts, Ground Improvement Case Histories: Chemical, Electrokinetic, Thermal and Bioengineering Methods provides over 700 pages of case-histories collected from all over the world. Each case-history provides an overview of the specific technology followed by applications, and in some cases, comprehensive back analysis through numerical modelling is discussed. The book includes methods for employing bacterial and biological treatment, and native vegetation for stabilizing problematic soils. Specific case-histories included in the book are: Effect of Drainage and Grouting for the World Longest Seikan Undersea Tunnel Construction, Cement/lime Mixing Ground Improvement for Road Construction on Soft Ground, Use of Jet Grouting in Deep Excavations, and Stabilization of Reactive Sulphide Mine Tailings using Water Cover Technology

Part One: Modification by Chemical Admixtures

Part Two: Electro-Kinetic, Thermal and Explosion Based Techniques

Part Three: Bioengineering Techniques

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