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The Drilling Manual



An Invaluable Reference for Members of the Drilling Industry, from Owner–Operators to Large Contractors, and Anyone Interested In Drilling Developed by one of the world’s leading authorities on drilling technology, the fifth edition of The Drilling Manual draws on industry expertise to provide the latest drilling methods, safety, risk management, and management practices, and protocols. Utilizing state-of-the-art technology and techniques, this edition thoroughly updates the fourth edition and introduces entirely new topics. It includes new coverage on occupational health and safety, adds new sections on coal seam gas, sonic and coil tube drilling, sonic drilling, Dutch cone probing, in hole water or mud hammer drilling, pile top drilling, types of grouting, and improved sections on drilling equipment and maintenance


  • ISBN: 978-1-43-981420-8
  • Páginas: 800
  • Tamaño: 17x24
  • Edición:
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Año: 2015

Disponibilidad: 3 a 7 Días

Contenido The Drilling Manual

An Invaluable Reference for Members of the Drilling Industry, from Owner–Operators to Large Contractors, and Anyone Interested In Drilling

Developed by one of the world’s leading authorities on drilling technology, the fifth edition of The Drilling Manual draws on industry expertise to provide the latest drilling methods, safety, risk management, and management practices, and protocols. Utilizing state-of-the-art technology and techniques, this edition thoroughly updates the fourth edition and introduces entirely new topics. It includes new coverage on occupational health and safety, adds new sections on coal seam gas, sonic and coil tube drilling, sonic drilling, Dutch cone probing, in hole water or mud hammer drilling, pile top drilling, types of grouting, and improved sections on drilling equipment and maintenance. New sections on drilling applications include underground blast hole drilling, coal seam gas drilling (including well control), trenchless technology and geothermal drilling. It contains heavily illustrated chapters that clearly convey the material.

This manual incorporates forward-thinking technology and details good industry practice for the following sectors of the drilling industry:

•Blast Hole
•Mineral Exploration
•Mineral Production and Development
•Oil and Gas: On-shore
•Trenchless Technology
•Water Well

The Drilling Manual, Fifth Edition provides you with the most thorough information about the "what," "how," and "why" of drilling. An ideal resource for drilling personnel, hydrologists, environmental engineers, and scientists interested in subsurface conditions, it covers drilling machinery, methods, applications, management, safety, geology, and other related issues


Chapter 1. Drillers and Their Industry

1.1 Profile of a driller
1.2 Occupational skills
1.3 Working as part of a team
1.4 Drilling industry sectors
1.5 Drilling objectives
1.6 Introduction to drilling methods

Chapter 2. Mathematics and Mechanics

2.1 Measurement and calculations
2.2 Velocity and flow rates
2.3 Mass, density, force, and pressure
2.4 Levers, torque, and rotation
2.5 Centre of gravity and stability
2.6 Stress and strength of materials
2.7 Hydraulics
2.8 Bit pressure and drill string loads
2.9 Drill rig ratings
2.10 Drill pipe stretch and elongation.

Chapter 3. Drilling Operations and Methods

3.1 Introduction
3.2 Cutting and drilling actions
3.3 Methods of drilling
3.4 The connection to the bit
3.5 Sampling
3.6 Cable-tool and hydraulic drilling
3.7 Cable-tool bits
3.8 Cable-tool operation
3.9 Auger drilling
3.10 Auger drilling practice
3.11 Rotary drilling
3.12 Rotary bits and tools
3.13 Rotary drilling practice
3.14 Rotary drilling tasks
3.15 Rotary Mud Drilling
3.16 Rotary Air Drilling
3.17 Slim-hole rotary and core drilling
3.18 Core drilling
3.19 Top-hole hammer drilling
3.20 Raise boring
3.21 Sonic drilling.
3.22 Pile top drilling
3.23 Push or drive boring and
3.24 Dutch cone probing
3.25 Vibracoring
3.26 In-hole water or mud hammer drilling
3.27 Coiled tube drilling
3.28 Vacuum drilling

Chapter 4. Drills, Pipes, and Auxiliary Equipment

4.1 Drilling machines
4.2 Drilling machine rating capacity
4.3 Transmissions
4.4 Hoists and winches
4.5 Rig hydraulics
4.6 Drilling instruments
4.7 Pipes and pipe threads
4.8 Other drill strings
4.9 Drill string handling
4.10 Casing – hole design
4.11 Downhole motors and hammers
4.12 Compressors
4.13 Circulating pumps and swivels
4.14 Automated and remote control drilling

Chapter 5. Maintenance

5.1 Rig maintenance
5.3 Transmissions
5.4 Maintaining the hydraulic systems
5.5 Filters
5.6 Vehicles
5.7 Compressors and air systems
5.8 Ancillary equipment and drilling tools
5.9 Safe use and care of tools
5.10 Electricity

Chapter 6. Circulation Fluids and Grouting

6.1 Fluids for cleaning and stabilising.
6.2 Drilling muds
6.3 The circulation system
6.4 Stabilisation using circulating fluids
6.5 Overcoming lost circulation using muds
6.6 Air and foam circulation
6.7 Testing and treating muds
6.8 Mud mixes for different drilling methods
6.9 Mud mixing and cleaning equipment
6.10 Stabilising and sealing boreholes with cement
6.11 Minimum requirements for cementing and sealing casing
6.12 Cementing and sealing casing practice
6.13 Sealing boreholes and casing with bentonite grout slurry

Chapter 7. Tests and Measurements

7.1 Hole depth and diameter measurements
7.2 Surveying deep holes
7.3 Wire line surveys
7.4 Core orientation
7.5 Downhole inspection
7.6 Geophysical logging
7.7 Borehole fluid measurements
7.8 Test pumping water bores
7.9 Packer testing
7.10 Soil penetration tests
7.11 Measurement of subsurface movement
7.12 Measurement of formation pore pressure
7.13 Testing soil samples

Chapter 8. Drilling Applications and Sectors

8.1 Introduction
8.2 Blast hole drilling – Surface
8.3 Blast hole drilling – underground
8.4 Environmental drilling and sampling
8.5 Foundation drilling
8.6 Geotechnical drilling
8.7 Geothermal drilling
8.8 Exploration drilling
8.9 Mineral production and development drilling
8.10 Oil/Gas drilling – Onshore
8.11 Oil/Gas drilling – Well control
8.12 Seismic drilling
8.13 Trenchless technology
8.14 Water exploration drilling
8.15 Water well drilling and construction
8.16 Well construction – Screen selection.
8.17 Well construction – Screen placement
8.18 Well construction – Artificial packs
8.19 Well development
8.20 Well development procedures
8.21 Well construction – Eliminating contamination
8.22 Well maintenance and rehabilitation
8.23 Borehole decommissioning

Chapter 9. Overcoming Downhole Problem

9.1 Decisions and problem solving
9.2 Deeper holes accentuate problem
9.3 Drill pipe sticking and recovery
9.4 Problem formations
9.5 Fishing principles
9.6 Fishing tools and their operation
9.7 Hazardous gases
9.8 Problems during well control procedures

Chapter 10. Geology and Mapping for Drillers

10.1 Benefits of knowing geology
10.2 Some geological basics
10.3 Defining drillability and stability
10.4 Relating rock classification and structural geology to drillability and stability
10.5 Groundwater occurrence and movement
10.6 Occurrences of pressurised water
10.7 Map reading and use
10.8 Global positioning systems (GPS)

Chapter 11. Information:Logs,Records,and Reports

11.1 Recording information
11.2 The driller’s log – What is it for?
11.3 Shift or daily reports
11.4 Records of drilling tools
11.5 Cost records
11.6 Hole records.
11.7 Legal requirements for reporting
11.8 Workplace health, safety, environmental management, and reporting

Chapter 12. A Guide to Rig and Crew Management

12.1 The driller’s broad responsibilities
12.2 The management process
12.3 Defining the objective
12.4 The drilling plan
12.5 Carrying out the drilling plan
12.6 Monitoring the drilling
12.7 Continuous improvement
12.8 Managing the workplace health, safety and environment (WHS&E)
12.9 The owner–operator
12.10 Tendering for work
12.11 Financial management



A. Abbreviations and Acronyms
B. Glossary of General Drilling Terms
C. Drilling Industry Associations and related bodies
D. References and Further Reading


Chapter 1. Drillers and Their Industry

Table 1: Drilling unconsolidated formations
Table 2: High drillability formations – easy to drill.
Table 3: Low drillability formations – hard to drill
Table 4: Drilling boulders
Table 5: Cavernous ground

Chapter 2. Mathematics and Mechanics

Table 6: Measurement units
Table 7: Sizes of common core holes
Table 8: Measurement units that drillers often use
Table 9: Conversion factors
Table 10: Drill pipe stretch table.

Chapter 3. Drilling Operations and Methods

Table 11: Hole making concepts
Table 12: Chip removal
Table 13: Hole making methods
Table 14: Hole clearing and drilling methods.
Table 15: Hole stabilisation methods
Table 16: The application of drilling methods
Table 17: The capacity of drilling methods
Table 18: Drilling unconsolidated formations
Table 19: Drilling firm but stable formations with high drillability
Table 20: Drilling firm formations of low drillability
Table 21: Drilling boulders and hard breccia.
Table 22: Driller tasks — Making a hole using a chopping action — Earth socket
Table 23: Driller tasks — Making a hole using a chopping action — Chop pump or Chisel bit
Table 24: Driller tasks — Making a hole with a drilling action — Regular bit
Table 25: Relative merits of rotary drive and feed methods
Table 26: Drilling in unconsolidated materials and unstable rocks
Table 27: Drilling in consolidated rocks
Table 28: The Kelly (First rod) down
Table 29: The Kelly (First rod) down (continued)
Table 30: Drilling with blade or roller bits
Table 31: Recognising ‘what is happening’
Table 32: Conventional solid core series
Table 33: Conventional double tube thin kerf core series
Table 34: Conventional triple tube core series
Table 35: Conventional double tube ultra-thin kerf underground core series
Table 36: Wireline core series (Q/Q2/Q-3 Series)
Table 37: Heavy duty core barrels (CHD Series)
Table 38: Example of bit series numbering.
Table 39: Replace inner tube parts
Table 40: Adjusting the inner tube
Table 41: Setting Up the wireline core barrel
Table 42: Commencing to drill
Table 43: Continuing to drill
Table 44: Case study.

Chapter 4. Drills, Pipes, and Auxiliary Equipment

Table 45: Hydraulic pump selection
Table 46: Common valve uses
Table 47: Rotary tool joint dimensions
Table 48: Recommended tightening torque – Downhole hammers
Table 49: Recommended make-up torque – Drill rod
Table 50: Recommended make-up torque – Pipe.
Table 51: Water well Swelled casing
Table 52: Diamond drill Flush joint casing
Table 53: Water well Slimline casing

Chapter 5. Maintenance

Table 54: Selecting a lubricant

Chapter 6. Circulation Fluids and Grouting

Table 55: Up-hole velocities for muds
Table 56: Mass of powdered mud materials in a 1 litre dipper
Table 57: Recommended bailing velocities for circulating fluids.
Table 58: Mud settling rates for particle grain sizes
Table 59: Ratios for Trol-type polymeric compound muds
Table 60: Ratios for a bentonite-based mud
Table 61: Ratios for a polymer-based mud
Table 62: Ratios for a typical polymer–oil mud
Table 63: Ratios for an oil-water emulsion
Table 64: Ratios for a misting mixture....
Table 65: Ratios for a foaming mixture
Table 66: Ratios for a corrosion inhibitor
Table 67: Ratios for a stiff foam mixture
Table 68: Ratios for additional polymer solution
Table 69: Ratios if further filter cake improvement is required
Table 70: Ratios for a bentonite mud mixture
Table 71: Ratios for polymer mud mixtures
Table 72: Ratios for bentonite-based mud with an SG of 1.2
Table 73: Ratios for muds with a required SG
Table 74: Ratios for a 1000 litre tank of bentonite–barytes mud with an SG of 1.2
Table 75: Ratios for a biodegradable polymer mud solution
Table 76: Ratios for break chemical
Table 77: Ratios for a polymer-bentonite mud mix (for improved wall stabilisation)
Table 78: Ratios for liquid drilling detergents
Table 79: Ratios for flocculating agents (used with water recirculation)
Table 80: Recommended cement-water mixes (A) Basic mix using General Purpose (GP) or Portland cement
Table 81: Recommended cement-water mixes (B) Basic mix using Builders cement (25% Fly Ash)
Table 82: Recommended cement–bentonite–water mixesm (A) using General Purpose (GP) or Portland cement
Table 83: Recommended cement–bentonite–water mixes (B) using Builders cement (25% Fly Ash)
Table 84: Recommended light cement mixes using microcells.
Table 85: External collapse strengths of common plastic casing types

Chapter 7. Tests and Measurements

Table 86: Correction factor for 20–30 mm diameter tubes, using 4% hydrofluoric acid

Table 87: Verticality survey results example
Table 88: ‘V’ notch discharge data (for a 90 degree triangular notch)

Chapter 8. Drilling Applications and Sectors

Table 89: Bench drilling terminology
Table 90: Bench height factors
Table 91: Equipment for different rock types
Table 92: Commonly used cleaning compounds
Table 93: Monitoring well casing standards
Table 94: Field/Laboratory analysis strategies
Table 95: Gas monitors for site health and safety.
Table 96: Standard parameters for jet grouting methods.
Table 97: Drilling types to match the specific geotechnical objective
Table 98: Advantages of the preferred rig
Table 99: HDD industry categories
Table 100: Solving hydrolock problems.
Table 101: Drilling types for specific drilling objectives
Table 102: Wall areas to yield 10 L/sec
Table 103: Up-hole velocities to a pump yielding 10 L/sec.
Table 104: Desired yield and minimum casing I.D.
Table 105: Sieve analysis record example
Table 106: Surface areas of wire wound screen required to yield 1 L/sec

Chapter 9. Overcoming Downhole Problems

Chapter 10. Geology and Mapping for Drillers

Table 107: Rock classifications and descriptions
Table 108: Common metamorphic rocks
Table 109: Important geological terms
Table 110: The rock ageing process
Table 111: Rock strength
Table 112: Mohs’ scale of hardness
Table 113: Drillability of sediments
Table 114: Typical GPS error values

Chapter 11. Information: Logs, Records, and Reports

Table 115: Standard drilling reports
Table 116: Likelihood and consequences of risk management actions
Table 117: Qualitative measures of likelihood.
Table 118: Qualitative measures of consequence or impact

Chapter 12. A Guide to Rig and Crew Management Table

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