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Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering: Volume 1: Fundamentals of Rock Mechanics



The two-volume set Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering is concerned with the application of the principles of mechanics to physical, chemical and electro-magnetic processes in the upper-most layers of the earth and the design and construction of the rock structures associated with civil engineering and exploitation or extraction of natural resources in mining and petroleum engineering


  • ISBN: 9780367421625
  • Páginas: 380
  • Tamaño: 17x24
  • Edición:
  • Idioma: Ingles
  • Año: 2020

Disponibilidad: 24 horas

Contenido Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering: Volume 1: Fundamentals of Rock Mechanics

The two-volume set Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering is concerned with the application of the principles of mechanics to physical, chemical and electro-magnetic processes in the upper-most layers of the earth and the design and construction of the rock structures associated with civil engineering and exploitation or extraction of natural resources in mining and petroleum engineering.
Volume 1, Fundamentals of Rock Mechanics, discusses rock-constituting elements, discontinuities and their behavior under various physical and chemical actions in nature. The governing equations together with constitutive laws and experimental techniques and the solution techniques are explained and some examples of applications are given. A number of chapters are devoted to possible new directions in rock mechanics. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering is intended to be a fundamental resource for younger generations and newcomers and a reference book for experts specialized in Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering and associated with the fields of mining, civil and petroleum engineering, engineering geology, and/or specialized in Geophysics and concerned with earthquake science and engineering.

Table of Contents

1 Introduction and history of rock mechanics and rock engineering

1.1 Earlier traces of rock mechanics and rock engineering
1.2 Modern development of rock mechanics and rock engineering
1.3 Goals and content of this book

2 Minerals, rocks, discontinuities and rock mass

2.1 Minerals
2.2 Rocks
2.3 Discontinuities
2.4 Rock mass

3 Fundamental definitions and measurement techniques

3.1 Physical parameters of rocks
3.2 Physical parameters of discontinuities
3.3 Rock mass

4 Fundamental governing equations

4.1 Fundamental governing equations for one-dimensional case
4.2 Multidimensional governing equations
4.3 Derivation of governing equations in integral form

5 Constitutivelaws

5.1 One-dimensional constitutive laws
5.2 Multidimensional constitutive laws
5.3 Nonlinear behavior (elasto-plasticity and elasto-visco-plasticity) for solids

6 Laboratory and in-situ tests

6.1 Laboratory tests on mechanical properties
6.2 In-situ mechanical tests
6.3 Thermal properties of rocks and their measurements
6.4 Tests for seepage parameters

7 In-situ stress estimation, measurement and inference methods

7.1 In-situ stress estimation methods
7.2 In-situ stress measurement methods
7.3 In-situ stress inference methods
7.4 Comparisons
7.5 Integration of various direct measurement and indirect techniques for in-situ stress estimation
7.6 Crustal stress changes

8 Analytical methods

8.1 Basic approaches
8.2 Analytical solutions for solids
8.3 Analytical solutions for fluid flow through porous rocks
8.4 Analytical solutions for heat flow: temperature distribution in the vicinity of geological active faults
8.5 Analytical solutions for diffusion problems
8.6 Evaluation of creep-like deformation of semi-infinite soft rock layer

9 Numerical methods

9.1 Introduction
9.2 1-D hyperbolic problem: equation of motion
9.3 Parabolic problems: heat flow, seepage and diffusion
9.4 Finite element method for 1-D pseudo-coupled parabolic problems: heat flow and thermal stress; swelling and swelling pressure
9.5 Hydromechanical coupling: seepage and effective stress problem
9.6 Biot problem: coupled dynamic response of porous media
9.7 Introduction of boundary conditions in simultaneous equation system
9.8 Rayleigh damping and its implementation
9.9 Nonlinear problems
9.10 Special numerical procedures for rock mass having discontinuities

10 Ice mechanics and glacial flow

10.1 Physics of ice
10.2 Mechanical properties of ice
10.3 Glaciers and ice domes/sheets
10.4 Cliff and slope failures induced by glacial flow
10.5 Glacial cave failures
10.6 Moraine lakes and lake burst
10.7 Calving and iceberg formation

11 Extraterrestrial rock mechanics and rock engineering

11.1 Solar system
11.2 Moon
11.3 Mars
11.4 Venus
11.5 Issues of rock mechanics and rock engineering on the Moon, Mars and Venus
11.6 Conclusions and future studies


Appendix 1: Definitions of scalars, vectors and tensors and associated operations
Appendix 2: Stress analysis
Appendix 3: Deformation and strain
Appendix 4: Gauss divergence theorem
Appendix 5: Geometrical interpretation of Taylor expansion
Appendix 6: Reynolds transport theorem


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