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Landslide Risk Assessment



Landslide Risk Assessment provides guidance to practitioners on establishing the likelihood and extent to which future slope failures could adversely impact society and affect people and property.


  • ISBN: 9780727758019
  • Páginas: 524
  • Tamaño: 17x24
  • Edición:
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Año: 2014

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Contenido Landslide Risk Assessment

Landslide Risk Assessment provides guidance to practitioners on establishing the likelihood and extent to which future slope failures could adversely impact society and affect people and property.

The only book to focus on risk and landslides, using examples from across the globe, Landslide Risk Assessment examines a variety of approaches to landslide risk assessment and management, introducing the key challenges that practitioners will need to overcome: estimating the probability and consequences of landsliding, combining these to develop a measure of the risk, and making the transition between risk assessment and risk management.

The second edition has been extensively remodelled and expanded to give greater consideration to the nature of risk and future uncertainties and challenges,
emphasising the importance of identifying and valuing the full range of potential consequences of landslides in addition to understanding the nature and extent of the
landslide threat. The importance of collaboration between specialists from a variety of backgrounds for effective landslide risk studies is detailded and greater
coverage given to landslide risk assessments applied to pipeline developments and submarine locations

Landside Risk Assessment

- Provides the tools needed to analyse whether the risk of landslide is significant enough for intervention to be required

- Is clearly researched,structured,written and referenced for applied work,adding subtantial practical value in application to the development and structuring of
  your own applied analysis

- Provides a wide range of techniques and uses case studies extensively to illustrate the different approaches that are available at each stage of the risk assessment
  process,to aid the reader to put theory into practice and address particular issues on their own projects

- Is the authoritative text and learning aid on landslide risk,providing essential background knowledge for use as past of teaching,research and consultancy

Landsilde Risk Assessment is an essential reference for all practitioners,including planners,engineers,project managers, health and safety officers,risk analysts
geomorphologists engineering geologist,hydrologists,foresters,environmental consultants and geoscientist as well a teaching aid for lectures,teaching on
landslide hazard/risk modules,and their students


Preface to the first edition
Preface to the second edition
Scientific notation

Background to landslide risk assessment

- Introduction
- What is risk
- A vies of risk
- Black Swans and Perfect Storms
- What is landslide risk
- Hazard and vulnerability
- From hazard to risk
- Categories of risk
- Why do landslide risk assessment
- References

The basic elements of landslide risk assessment

- Introduction: the risk assessment process
- Description of intention
- Hazard assessment
- Consequence assessment
- Risk estimation
- Risk assessment and its relationship to risk evaluation and risk management
- Risk perception  and risk communication
- Landslide risk assessment  procedures
- Risk assessment as a decision-making tool
- Structure of the rook
- References

Landslide hazard

- Introduction
- Landslide mechanisms and type
- Landslide behaviour
- Potential for landsliding
- Landslide velocity
- Landslide travel distance
- Nature of landslide hazards
- Landslide  intensity
- Landslide susceptibility and hazard zoning
- Hazard models
- Uncertainty, assurance and defensibility
- References

Qualitative and semi-quantitative risk assessment

- Introduction
- Risk registers
- Relative risk scoring
- Risk ranking matrices
- The FMECA approach
- Qualitative risk assessment: an easy option
- References

Introduction to probability and quantitative assessment

- Uncertainty and probability
- Probability distributions
- Judgement and the use of experts
- Probability assessment and reliability methods
- References

Estimating the probability of landsliding

- Introduction
- Approaches to estimating landslide probability
- Statistical methods: the use of incident databases
- Statistical methods: historical frequency assessment
- Statistical methods: the use of landslide magnitude-frequency curves
- Statistical methods: estimating landslide exceedence probability
- Statistical methods: estimating probability of cliff recession through simulation models
- Conceptual models: normalisation of base-rate frequency
- Conceptual models: estimating probability through expert judegement
- Reliability methods: estimating probability through use of probabilistic stability analysis
- Estimating probability: precision or pragmatism
- References


- Introduction
- Spatial probability: stationary assets
- Spatial and temporal probabiity non-stationary assets
- Occupancy and population models
- Reducing exposure through landslide detection


- Introduction multiple meanings of vulnerability
- Physical vulnerability
- Physical vulnerability of buildings and infraestructure
- Human vulverability
- Societal and social vulnerability

- Estimating the consequences

- Introduction
- Elements at risk
- Using the historical record
- Categories of adverse consequences
- Loss of life and injury
- Direct impact on building,structures and infra-structure ( direct economic costs/losses )
- Other economics costs that may be estimated in advance
- Intangible losses
- Uncertain consequences
- Consequences models
- Multiple-outcome consequence models
- Complex outcome consequence models
- References

- Quantifying risk

- Introduction
- Current annual risk
- Cliff recession risk
- Comparing the risks associated with different management options
- Individual risk
- Societal risk
- Statistics ares signs from God ?
- References

From risk estimation to landslide management strategy

- Introduction to landslide risk management
- Assessment criteria
- Risk acceptance criteria: legal frameworks
- Acceptable or tolerance risks: the ALARP principle in the UK
- Individual risk criteria
- Societal risk criteria
- Corporate risk management major accident risk criteria
- Applying the ALARP principle loss of life
- Applying the ALARP principle
- Environmental protection
- Environmental acceptability
- Corporate risk management:the risk matrix approach
- Future uncertainty:implications for landslide management
- Risk assessment,decision.making and consultation
- References

Future challenges

- Introduction
- Quantitative risk zonation:lessons from Ventnor,Isle of Wight
- Landslide risks and major project schedules:lessons from the Camisea pipeline,Peru
- Risk assessment and management of extreme events: lessons from Fukushima,Japan
- Landslide management and the environment lessons from Easton Bavents
- Future uncertainty valuation of environmental resources
- Future uncertainty global change
- Evidence for climate change
- Future uncertainty climate model predictions
- Increased rainfall
- Sea-level change
- Uncertainty and risk assessment
- References

Glossary of terms

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