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Ground Vibrations from High-Speed Railways: Prediction and mitigation



Ground Vibrations from High-Speed Railways brings together leading international research on prediction and remediation of railway-induced ground vibration. A unique general reference, the book will help the reader to study the problem from different points of view, and provides answers to numerous theoretical and practical questions.


  • ISBN: 9780727763792
  • Páginas: 392
  • Tamaño: 17x24
  • Edición:
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Año: 2019

Disponibilidad: 3 a 7 Días

Contenido Ground Vibrations from High-Speed Railways: Prediction and mitigation

Ground Vibrations from High-Speed Railways brings together leading international research on prediction and remediation of railway-induced ground vibration. A unique general reference, the book will help the reader to study the problem from different points of view, and provides answers to numerous theoretical and practical questions.

Focusing specifically on the significant amplification of ground vibrations that can occur above critical speeds, the book is a detailed guide to recent and ongoing developments in this area.

Topics covered include

    fundamental problems of dynamics of track-ground systems under the impact of high-speed trains
    effects of vehicle-track interaction and associated stability problems
    railway-generated ground vibrations, including their impact on nearby buildings, effects of tunnels and layered soils
    modelling approaches – including 2.5D approaches, analytical and semi-analytical approaches –, numerical approaches, hybrid models, and scoping assessment, and
    mitigation strategies, including soil replacement strategies, pile-supported embankments, and use of stochastically rough surfaces.  

Ground Vibrations from High-Speed Railways provides in one volume the views of leading international experts on the problem of railway-induced vibration from high-speed trains and ways of reducing its environmental impact. It will be essential reading for all scientists and engineers working on prediction and remediation of railway vibration, including consultants specialising in the environmental impact of railways, and designers of new railway lines.

Contents Preface
About the editor
About the contributors xiv
List of abbreviations

1 .Dynamic track–ground behaviour on high-speed rail lines
David P Connolly, Peter K Woodward and Pedro Alves Costa

1.1. Introduction
1.2. Numerical modelling
1.3. Numerical analysis
1.4. Discussion and conclusion

2 Fast trains and isolating tracks on inhomogeneous soils
Lutz Auersch

2.1. Introduction
2.2. Detailed methods of studying wave propagation and the soil–structure interaction
2.3. Simplified methods for the prediction of train-induced ground vibration
2.4. Theoretical and measured ground vibrations
2.5. The passage of static loads
2.6. Special case: high-speed passage of static loads
2.7. Impulses due to static axle loads and their scattering by a randomly inhomogeneous soil
2.8. Mitigation of train-induced ground vibration
2.9. Conclusion

3 Computational tools for predicting ground vibration from railways
James P Talbot, Hugh E M Hunt and Mohammed F M Hussein

3.1. Introduction
3.2. Theoretical methods
3.3. Empirical methods
3.4. Practical considerations
3.5. Conclusions

4 Semi-analytical approaches to vibrations induced by moving loadswith a focus on the critical velocity and instability of the moving object
Zuzana Dimitrovova´

4.1. Introduction
4.2. Critical velocity of a uniformly moving force traversing an infinite beam supported by a foundation
4.3. Inertial systems uniformly traversing infinite beams on a viscoelastic two-parameter foundation
4.4. Conclusions

5 Ground vibrations from high-speed non-ballasted railways: numerical prediction and field experiment
Wanming Zhai and Jianjin Yang

5.1. Introduction
5.2. Framework of the numerical prediction methodology
5.3. Spatial train–track coupled dynamics model
5.4. Full-size FE dynamics model of the track–embankment–ground system
5.5. Numerical example
5.6. Field experiment
Predicting high-speed railway vibration using time-domain numerical engineering approaches
Georges Kouroussis
6.1. Introduction 1
6.2. Background to environmental-vibration predictions
6.3. Multibody system simulation
6.5. Results
6.6. Conclusions and general remarks

7 The 2.5-dimensional approach to modelling ground vibrations from high-speed railways
Xiaozhen Sheng

7.1. Introduction
7.2. 2.5D finite-element method
7.3. 2.5D boundary element method
7.4. Coupling between sub-domains
7.5. 2.5D model for a high-speed railway track as an infinitely long periodic structure
7.6. Receptances of the track–ground system at wheel–rail contact points
7.7. Receptance of a vehicle at wheel–rail contact points
7.8. Coupling between the moving train and the track for wheel–rail forces
7.9. Relationship between the ground vibration power spectrum and wheel–rail roughness power spectral density
7.10. Applications
7.11. Concluding remarks

8.Hybrid prediction methods for vibrations from high-speed railways
Kirsty Kuo, Hans Verbraken, Geert Lombaert and Geert Degrande

8.1. Motivation
8.2. Hybrid model framework
8.3. Hybrid model implementation
8.4. Two new-build scenarios
8.5. Conclusions

9 Benchmark solutions for vibrations from a moving source in a tunnel in a half-space
Anders Bostro¨m and Zonghao Yuan

9.1. Introduction
9.2. Governing equations and wave functions
9.3. Field expansions and application of boundary conditio
9.4. Solution procedure and numerical considerations
9.5. Generalisations
9.6. Numerical examples
9.7. Conclusions

10  Scoping assessment of ground and building vibrations due to railway traffic
Pedro Galv?n, Daniel Lopez Mendoza and Antonio Romero and
David P Connolly

10.1. Introduction
10.2. Numerical modelling
10.3. Analysis
10.4. Vs30 parameter
10.5. Discussion
10.6. Conclusions

11  Finite-element approach to train-induced vibrations of pile-supported embankments
Pham N Thach

11.1. Introduction
11.2. Pile-supported railway embankments
11.3. FEM approach
11.4. Vibration analysis of a pile-supported embankment
11.5. Conclusion

12 Stochastically rough surfaces as seismic barriers against railway-induced ground vibrations
Victor V Krylov

12.1. Introduction
12.2. Ground vibration boom as a major challenge for newly built high-speed railways
12.3. Use of stochastically rough ground surfaces as seismic barriers
12.4. Artificially created rough surfaces and the choice of optimal parameters
12.5. Numerical calculations and discussion
12.6. Comparison with open trenches
12.7. Reflection of Rayleigh waves from the boundaries between rough and smooth surfaces
12.8. Conclusions


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