Keep Up with Advancements in the Field of Rail Vehicle Design A thorough understanding of the issues that affect dynamic performance, as well as more inventive methods for controlling rail vehicle dynamics, is needed to meet the demands for safer rail vehicles with higher speed and loads. Design and Simulation of Rail Vehicles examines the field of rail vehicle design, maintenance, and modification, as well as performance issues related to these types of vehicles.
Keep Up with Advancements in the Field of Rail Vehicle Design
A thorough understanding of the issues that affect dynamic performance, as well as more inventive methods for controlling rail vehicle dynamics, is needed to meet the demands for safer rail vehicles with higher speed and loads. Design and Simulation of Rail Vehicles examines the field of rail vehicle design, maintenance, and modification, as well as performance issues related to these types of vehicles. This text analyzes rail vehicle design issues and dynamic responses, describes the design and features of rail vehicles, and introduces methods that address the operational conditions of this complex system.
Progresses from Basic Concepts and Terminology to Detailed Explanations and Techniques
Focused on both non-powered and powered rail vehicles—freight and passenger rolling stock, locomotives, and self-powered vehicles used for public transport—this book introduces the problems involved in designing and modeling all types of rail vehicles. It explores the applications of vehicle dynamics, train operations, and track infrastructure maintenance. It introduces the fundamentals of locomotive design, multibody dynamics, and longitudinal train dynamics, and discusses co-simulation techniques. It also highlights recent advances in rail vehicle design, and contains applicable standards and acceptance tests from around the world.
• Includes multidisciplinary simulation approaches
• Contains an understanding of rail vehicle design and simulation techniques
• Establishes the connection between theory and many simulation examples
• Presents simple to advanced rail vehicle design and simulation methodologies
Design and Simulation of Rail Vehicles serves as an introductory text for graduate or senior undergraduate students, and as a reference for practicing engineers and researchers investigating performance issues related to these types of vehicles.
Maksym Spiryagin works as a chief investigator at the Centre for Railway Engineering at Central Queensland University (CQU), Australia. His current research interests are rail vehicle dynamics, locomotive traction, mechatronics, and real-time and software-enabled control systems. He received his PhD in the field of railway transport in 2004 at the East Ukrainian National University. His research focused on rail vehicle design and the development of locomotive traction, real-time models, and vehicle mechatronic systems. He has more than 80 scientific publications and is listed as one of the inventors of 20 patents.
Colin Cole is the director of the Centre for Railway Engineering at Central Queensland University (CQU), Australia. He is also the research program leader for the Engineering and Safety Program of the Australian Cooperative Research Centre for Rail Innovation. His PhD was in longitudinal train dynamics. His rail industry experience includes track maintenance, rolling stock and vehicle dynamics, simulation, and the development of on-board devices. His current research interests are train and wagon dynamics, simulation, and train control technologies. He has published 72 papers and one book chapter, and has two patents.
Yan Quan Sun works as a senior research engineer at the Centre for Railway Engineering at Central Queensland University (CQU), Australia. His current research interests include rail vehicle dynamics, longitudinal train dynamics, rail vehicle–track interaction dynamics, and rail–track and bridge dynamics. He came to Australia in 1998 and received his PhD in the field of railway transport in 2002 at CQU. He has published more than 70 scientific and academic papers.
Mitchell McClanachan is a mechanical engineer and has been involved in railway research projects for individual railway companies and cooperative rail research agencies at the Centre for Railway Engineering at Central Queensland University (CQU), Australia since 1995. His areas of expertise include train simulation, wagon simulation, rolling stock testing, instrumentation, data acquisition, structural fatigue, energy optimization, hybrid locomotive systems, economics, human factors, railway safety systems, and automated monitoring systems. He has published numerous research reports, consulting reports, journal articles, conference papers, patents, and short stories. Mitchell is a registered professional engineer of Queensland, a member of Engineers Australia, and a member of the Australasian Association for Engineering Education.
Valentyn Spiryagin received his PhD in the field of railway transport in 2004 at the Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Lugansk, Ukraine. He is now with the chair of railway transport at the same university. His research activities include rail vehicle dynamics, multibody simulation, and control systems. Currently, he works on rail vehicle design and dynamics, mechatronic suspension systems for locomotives, locomotive traction, and embedded software development. He has more than 60 scientific papers and 28 patents as one of the inventors.
Tim McSweeney has over 30 years of experience in the field of railway infrastructure asset management, specializing particularly in track engineering in the heavy haul environment. He was the senior infrastructure manager overseeing the Bowen Basin export coal network for Queensland Rail from 1991 until 2001 when he joined the Centre for Railway Engineering at Central Queensland University (CQU), Australia to follow his interest in railway research. He retired in 2007, but has continued his involvement as an Adjunct Research Fellow and was awarded an honorary master of engineering degree by CQU in 2011.
Unpowered Rail Vehicle Design
Types of Wagons
Wagon Frames
Suspension Elements
Wheelsets and Bearings
Wagon Bodies
Brake Systems
Acceptance Tests
Advances in Rail Vehicle Design
Design of Locomotives
History of Locomotives
Traction Rolling Stock
Common Locomotive Components and Systems
Locomotive Design: New Perspectives
General Modelling Techniques
Dynamics of Bodies
Wheel–Rail Contact Patch
Brake Modelling
Introduction to FEM
FEM of Rail Vehicle Structure
FEM of Rail
Rail Track, Sub-Structure and Bridge Modelling
Pantograph Modelling
Modelling Techniques
Multibody Dynamics
Introduction to Multibody Dynamics
Rigid Body versus Flexible Body
Multibody Dynamics Software for Rail Vehicle Dynamics
Longitudinal Train Dynamics
Introduction to Longitudinal Train Dynamics
Modelling Longitudinal Train Dynamics
Interaction of Longitudinal Train and Lateral/Vertical Wagon Dynamics
Longitudinal Comfort
Energy Considerations
Train Control, Management and Driving Practices
Design Considerations
Rail Vehicle–Track Interaction Dynamics
Modelling of Rail Vehicles
Modelling of Tracks
Modelling of Wheel–Rail Contact
Example of a Three-Dimensional Rail Wagon–Track System Dynamics Model
Numerical Integration Methods
Vehicle Dynamic Performances
Vehicle–Track Interactions
Vehicle Acceptance Simulations
Co-Simulation and Its Application
Introduction to Co-Simulation Process
Co-Simulation between Multibody Software Packages and MATLAB/Simulink
Design of the Co-Simulation Interface
Advanced Simulation Methodologies
Complex Tasks and Their Solutions
Scenario A: On-Line Simulation and Existing Pre-Calculated Data
Scenario B: On-Line Simulation and Experimental Data
Scenario C: Real-Time Simulation