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Steel Structures Design Based on Eurocode 3



This book is tailored to the needs of structural engineers who are seeking to become familiar with the design of steel structures based on Eurocode 3. It explains each step of the design process using comprehensive flow charts, tables and equations as well as numerous examples


  • ISBN: 9789811342530
  • Páginas: 140
  • Tamaño: 17X24
  • Edición:
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Año: 2019

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Contenido Steel Structures Design Based on Eurocode 3

This book is tailored to the needs of structural engineers who are seeking to become familiar with the design of steel structures based on Eurocode 3. It explains each step of the design process using comprehensive flow charts, tables and equations as well as numerous examples. The useful appendices, including general sections and properties as well as general formulas for shear force, maximum bending moment and deflection for several selected loading conditions, offer designers a valuable source of reference.

The book also introduces a specially developed design-aid program, which provides immediate results without the need for modeling, and as such considerably reduces the time needed for the design stage.

1 Introduction .

1.1 General
1.2 Advantages of Steel Structure
1.3 Design Standard for Steel
1.4 I-Section
1.5 Steel Design Based on EC3 Program .

2 Beam Design

2.1 Introduction .
2.2 Design Procedure for a Laterally Restrained Beam .
   2.2.1 Design Flowchart for a Laterally Restrained Beam
   2.2.2 Example 2-1 Design of a Laterally Restrained Beam
   2.2.3 Example 2-2 Design of a Laterally Restrained Beam
   2.2.4 Example 2-3 Design of a Laterally Restrained Beam
2.3 Design Procedure for a Laterally Unrestrained Beam
   2.3.1 Design Flowchart for a Laterally Unrestrained Beam
   2.3.2 Example 2-4 Design of a Laterally Unrestrained Beam
   2.3.3 Example 2-5 Design of a Laterally Unrestrained Beam
   2.3.4 Example 2-6 Design of a Laterally Unrestrained Beam
2.4 Exercise: Beam Design

3 Column Design

3.1 Introduction
3.2 Design Procedure for a Column
   3.2.1 Design Flowchart for a Column
   3.2.2 Example 3-1 Column Design
   3.2.3 Example 3-2 Column Design
   3.2.4 Example 3-3 Column Design
3.3 Exercise: Column Design

4 Connection Design

4.1 Introduction
4.2 Design Procedure for a Welded Connection
   4.2.1 Design Flowchart for a Welded Connection
  4.2.2 Example 4-1 Welded Connection Design
  4.2.3 Example 4-2 Welded Connection Design
  4.2.4 Example 4-3 Welded Connection Design
4.3 Design Procedure for a Bolted Connection .
  4.3.1 Design Flowchart for a Bolted Connection
  4.3.2 Example 4-4 Bolted Connection Design
  4.3.3 Example 4-5 Bolted Connection Design
  4.3.4 Example 4-6 Bolted Connection Design
4.4 Exercise: Connection Design .

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