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Structural and Stress Analysis



Structural and Stress Analysis, Fourth Edition, provides readers with a comprehensive introduction to all types of structural and stress analysis. Starting with an explanation of the basic principles of statics, the book then covers normal and shear force, bending moments, and torsion


  • ISBN: 9780081025864
  • Páginas: 830
  • Tamaño: 17x24
  • Edición:
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Año: 2019

Disponibilidad: 3 a 7 Días

Contenido Structural and Stress Analysis

Structural and Stress Analysis, Fourth Edition, provides readers with a comprehensive introduction to all types of structural and stress analysis. Starting with an explanation of the basic principles of statics, the book then covers normal and shear force, bending moments, and torsion. Building on the success of prior editions, this update features new material on structural dynamics and fatigue, along with additional discussions of Eurocode compliance in the design of beams. With worked examples, practice problems, and extensive illustrations, it is an all-in-one resource for students and professionals interested in learning structural analysis.

Key Features

Presents a comprehensive overview of structural and stress analysis

Includes numerous worked examples and end-of-chapter problems
Extensively illustrated to help visualize concepts
Contains a greater focus on digital trends in structural engineering, including newer computer analysis methods and how to check output of such methods to avoid ‘black-box’ engineering
Contains additional worked examples on plastic analysis of frames, bending moment distribution and displacement evaluations on collapse mechanics
Introduces content on statics to ensure that students know the basic concepts and can understand the equilibrium principles that govern all structures as well as the principles of the mechanisms involved in computer-based calculations.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

1.1. Function of a structure
1.2. Loads
1.3. Structural systems
    - Beams
    - Trusses
    - Moment frames
    - Arches
    - Cables
    - Gravity structures
    - Shear and core walls
    - Continuun structures
1.4. Support systems
1.5. Statically determinante and indeterminate structures
1.6. Analysis and  design
1.7. Structural and load idealization
1.8. Structural elements
1.9. Materials of construction
     - Steel
     - Concrete
     - Timber
     - Masonry
     - Aluminium
     - Cast iron, wrought iron
     - Composite materiales
1.10. The use of computers

2. Principles of Statics

2.1. Force
    -  Parallelogram of forces
    -  The resultant of a system of concurrent forces
    -  Equilibrant of a system of cuncurrent forces
    -  The resultant of a system of non-concurrent forces
2.2. Moment of a force
    -  Couples
    -  Equivalent force systems
2.3. The resultant of a system of parallel forces
2.4. Equilibrium of force systems
2.5. Calculation of support reactions
     -  Problems
3. Normal Force, Shear Force, Bending Moment and Torsion

3.1 Types of load
    -  A xial load
    -  Shear load
     - Bending moment
     - Torsion
3.2. Notation and sign convention
3.3. Normal force
3.4. Shear force and bending moment
3.5  Load shear force and bending moment relationships
3.6. Torsion
3.7. Principle of superposition
   -   Problems

4. Analysis of Pin-Jointed Trusses

4.1. Types of truss
4.2. Assumptions in truss analysis
4.3. Idealization of a truss
4.4. Statical determinacy
4.5. Resistance of a truss to shear force and bending moment
4.6. Method of joints
4.7. Method of sections
4.8. Method of tension coefficents
4.9. Graphical methods of solutions
4.10. Compound trusses
4.11  Space trusses
4.12. A computer based approach

5. Cables

5.1. Lighweight cables carrying concentrate loads
5.2. Heavy cables
    -  Lightweight cables carrying concentrated loads
    -  Heavy cables
       - Governing equation for deflected shape
       - Cable under its own weight
       - Cable subjected to a uniform horizontally distributed load
       - Suspension bridges
 - Problems

6. Arches

6.1. The linear arch
6.2. The three-pinned arch
      - Support reactions - supports on same horizontal level
      - Support reactions - supports on different levels
      - Support reactions - supports on different levels
6.3. A therre-pinned parabolic arch carrying a uniform horizontally distributed load
6.4. Bending moment diagram for a three-pinned arch carrying concentrated  load and having support on the same horizontal level

7. Stress and Strain

7.1. Direct stress in tension and compression
7.2. Shear stress in shear and torsion
7.3. Complementary shear stress
7.4. Direct strain
7.5. Shear strain
7.6. Volumetric stain due to hydrostatic pressure
7.7. Stress-strain relationships
      - Hooke´s law and Young´s modulus
      - Shear modulus
      - Volume or bulk modulus
7.8. Poisson effect
7.9. Relationships between the elastic constants
7.10. Stain energy in simple tension or compression
       - Deflection of a simple truss
       - Composite structural members
       - Thermal effects
       - Initial stresses and prestressing
7.11 Plane stress
7.12 Plane strain

8. Properties of Engineering Materials

8.1. Classification of engineering materials
    - Ductility
    - Brittleness
    - Elastic materials
    - Plasticity
    - Isotropic materials
    - Anisotropic materials
    - Orthotropic materials
 8.2. Testing of engineering materials
    - Tensile tests
    - Compression tests
    - Shear tests
    - Hardness test
    - Impact tests
8.3. Stress-stain curves
    - Low carbon steel ( mild steel )
    - Aluminium
    - Brittle materials
    - Composites
8.4.Strain hardening
8.5.Creep and relaxation
8.6 Fatigue
    - Crack propagation
8.7.Design methods
8.8.Material properties

9. Bending of Beams

9.1. Symmetrical bending
    -  Assumptions
    -  Direct stress distribution
    -  Elastic section modulus
9.2. Combined bending and axial load
    -  Core of a rectangular section
    -  Core of a circular section
9.3. Anticlastic bending
9.4. Strain energy in bending
9.5. Unsymmetrical bending
    -  Assumptions
    -  Sign conventions and notation
    -  Direct stess distribution
    -  Position of the neutral axil
9.6. Calculation of section properties
    -  Parallel axes theorem
    -  Theorem of perpendicular axes
    -  Second moments of area of standard sections
    -  Product second moment of area
    -  Approximation for thin walled sections
    -  Second moment of area of inclined and curved thin-walled sections
9.7. Principal axes and principal second moments of area
9.8. Effect of shear forces on the theory of bending
9.9. Load,shear force and bending moment relationships general case

10. Shear of Beams

10.1. Shear stress distribution in a beam of unsymmetrical section
10.2. Shear stress distribution in symmetrical sections
10.3. Strain energy due to shear
10.4. Shear stress distribution in thin-walled open section beams.
      -   Shear centre

11. Torsion of Beams

11.1. Torsion of solid and hollow circular section bars
11.2. Strain energy du to torsion
11.3. Plastic energy du to torsion
11.4. Torsion of a thin-walled closed section beam
11.5. Torsion of solid section bems
11.6. Warping of cross sections under torsion

12. Composite Beams

12.1. Steel-reinforced timber beams
12.2. Reinforced concrete beams
      -  Elastic theory
      -  Ultimate load theory
12.3 Steel and concrete beams

13. Deflection of Beams

13.1. Differential equation of symmetrical bending
13.2. Singularity functions
13.3. Moment-area methods for symmetrical bending
13.4. Deflections due to unsymmetrical bending
13.5. Deflections due to shear
13.6. Statically indeterminate beams
      -  Method of superposition
      -  Built-in or fixed-end beams
      -  Fixed beam with a sinking support

14. Complex Stress and Strain

14.1. Representation of stress at a point
14.2. Determination of stressses on inclined planes
       - Biaxial stress system
       - General two-dimensional case
14.3  Principal stresses
14.4  Mohr circle of stress
14.5. Stress trajectories
14.6. Determination of strains on inclined planes
14.7. Principal strains
14.8. Mohr´s circle of strain
14.9. Experimental measurement of surface strains and stresses
14.10. Theories of elastic failure
         -  Ductile materials
         -  Brittle materials

15. Virtual Work and Energy Methods

15.1. Work
15.2. Principle of virtual work
      -   Principle of virtual work for a particle
      -   Principle of virtual work for a rigid body
      -   Virtual work in a deformable body
      -   Work done by internal force systems
      -   Use of virtual force systems
      -   Applications of the principle of virtual work
15.3. Energy methods
      -  Strain energy and complementary energy
      -  The principle of the stationary value of the total complementary energy
      -  Temperarature effects
      -  Potencial energy
      -  The principle of the stationary value of the total potencial energy
15.4. Reciprocal theorems
      -  Theorem of reciprocal displacement
      -  Theorem of reciprocal work

16. Analysis of Statically Indeterminate Structures

16.1. Flexibility and stiffness methods
16.2. Degree of statical indeterminacy
      -  Rings
      -  The entire structure
      -  The completely stiff structure
      -  Degree of statical indeterminacy
      -  Trusses
16.3. Kinematric indeterminacy
16.4. Statically indeterminate beams
16.5. Statically indeterminate trusses
      -  Stelf straining trusses
16.6. Braced beams
16.7  Portal frames
16.8. Two-pinned arches
      -   Secant assumption
      -   Tied arches
      -   Segmental arches
16.9.  Slope deflection method
16.10  Moment distribution
            Fixed-end moments
            Stiffness coefficient
            Distribution factor
            Stiffness coefficients and carry over factors
            Continuous beams
16.11  Portal frames

 17.     Matrix Methods of Analysis

  17.1  Axially loaded members
  17.2  Stiffnes matrix for a uniform beam
  17.3  Finite element method for continuum structures
           Stiffness matrix for a beam-element
           Stiffness matrix for a triangular finite element
           Stiffness matrix for a quadrilateral element

18. Plastic Analysis of Beams and Frames

18.1. Theorems of plastic analysis
        - The uniqueness theorem
        - The lowe bound or sale,theorem
        - The upper bound,or unsafe,theorem
18.2. Plastic analysis of beams
        - Plastic bending of beams having a singly symmetrical cross section
        - Shape factor
        - Moment-curvature relationships
        - Plastic hinges
        - Plastic analysis of beams
        - Plastic design of beams
        - Effect of axial load on plastic moment
18.3. Plastic analysis of frames

19. Yield Line Analysis of Slabs

19.1.  Yield lines theory
       -  Yield line
       -  Ultimate moment along a yield line
       -  Internal virtual work due to an ultimate moment
       -  Virtual work due to an applied load
19.2. Discussion

20. Influence Lines

20.1 Influence lines for beams in contact with the load
      Ra Influence line
      Rb Infuence line
      Sk influence line
      Mk influence line
20.2. Mueller-Breslau principle
20.3. Systems of travelling loads
     - Concentrated loads
     - Distributed loads
     - Diagram of maximum shear force
     - Reversal of shear force
     - Determination of the point of maximum bending moment in a beam
20.4. Influence lines for beams not in contact with the load
     - Maximaxum values of Sk and Mk
20.5.Forces in the members of a truss
     - Counterbracing
20.6. Influence lines for continuous beams

21. Structural Instability

21.1. Euler theory for slender columns
        - Buckling load for a pin-ended column
        - Buckling load for a column with fixed ends
        - Buckling load for a column with one end fixed and one end free
        - Buckling of a column with one end fixed and the other pinned

21.2. Limitations of the Euler theory
21.3. Failure of columns of any length
       - Rankine theory
       - Initially curved column
21.4. Effect of cross section on the buckling of columns
21.5. Stability of beams under transverse and axial loads
       - Combined bending and compressive loads
21.6. Energy method for the calculation of buckling loads in columns ( Rayleigh-Ritz Method )

22. Joints and connections

22.1. Bolted and riveted joints
     - Simple lap joints
     - Joint efficiency
     - Group riveted joints
     - Eccentrically loaded riveted joints
22.2. Welded connections
     - Types of weld
     - Design of welds
     - Strength of welds
A. Table of Section Properties


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