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Multi-Storey Precast Concrete Framed Structures



Precast reinforced and prestressed concrete frames provide a high strength, stable, durable and robust solution for any multi-storey structure, and are widely regarded as a high quality, economic and architecturally versatile technology for the construction of multi-storey buildings. The resulting buildings satisfy a wide range of commercial and industrial needs.


  • ISBN: 978-1-4051-0614-6
  • Páginas: 760
  • Tamaño: 17x24
  • Edición:
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Año: 2014

Disponibilidad: 15 a 30 Días

Contenido Multi-Storey Precast Concrete Framed Structures

Precast reinforced and prestressed concrete frames provide a high strength, stable, durable and robust solution for any multi-storey structure, and are widely regarded as a high quality, economic and architecturally versatile technology for the construction of multi-storey buildings. The resulting buildings satisfy a wide range of commercial and industrial needs. Precast concrete buildings behave in a different way to those where the concrete is cast in-situ, with the components subject to different forces and movements. These factors are explored in detail in the second edition of Multi-Storey Precast Concrete Framed Structures, providing a detailed understanding of the procedures involved in precast structural design. This new edition has been fully updated to reflect recent developments, and includes many structural calculations based on EUROCODE standards. These are shown in parallel with similar calculations based on British Standards to ensure the designer is fully aware of the differences required in designing to EUROCODE standards. 

Civil and structural engineers as well as final year undergraduate and postgraduate students of civil and structural engineering will all find this book to be thorough overview of this important construction technology.

Table of Contents

1 Precast Concepts, History and Design Philosophy

1.1 A Historical Note on the Development of Precast Frames

1.2 The Scope for Prefabricated Buildings

1.3 Current Attitudes towards Precast Concrete Structures

1.4 Recent Trends in Design, and a New Definition for Precast Concrete

1.5 Precast Superstructure Simply Explained

1.6 Precast Design Concepts

2 Procurement and Documentation

2.1 Initial Considerations for the Design Team

2.2 Design Procurement

2.3 Construction Matters

2.4 Codes of Practice, Design Manuals, Textbooks and Technical Literature

2.5 Definitions

3 Architectural and Framing Considerations

3.1 Frame and Component Selection

3.2 Component Selection

3.3 Special Features

3.4 Balconies

4 Design of Skeletal Structures

4.1 Basis for the Design

4.2 Materials

4.3 Structural Design

4.4 Columns Subjected to Gravity Loads

4.5 Staircases

5 Design of Precast Floors Used in Precast Frames

5.1 Flooring Options

5.2 Hollow-core Slabs

5.3 Double-Tee Slabs

5.4 Composite Plank Floor

5.5 Precast Beam-and-Plank Flooring

5.6 Design Calculations

6 Composite Construction

6.1 Introduction

6.2 Texture of Precast Concrete Surfaces

6.3 Calculation of Stresses at the Interface

6.4 Losses and Differential Shrinkage Effects

6.5 Composite Floors

6.6 Economic Comparison of Composite and Non-composite Hollow-core Floors

6.7 Composite Beams

7 Design of Connections and Joints

7.1 Development of Connections

7.2 Design Brief

7.3 Joints and Connections

7.4 Criteria for Joints and Connections

7.5 Types of Joint

7.6 Bearings and Bearing Stresses

7.7 Connections

7.8 Design of Specific Connections in Skeletal Frames

7.9 Beam-to-Column and Beam-to-Wall Connections

7.10 Column Insert Design

7.11 Connections to Columns on Concrete Ledges

7.12 Beam-to-Beam Connections

7.13 Column Splices

7.14 Column Base Connections

8 Designing for Horizontal Load

8.1 Introduction

8.2 Distribution of Horizontal Load

8.3 Horizontal Diaphragm Action in Precast Concrete Floors without Structural Toppings

8.4 Diaphragm Action in Composite Floors with Structural Toppings

8.5 Horizontal Forces due to Volumetric Changes in Precast Concrete

8.6 Vertical Load Transfer

8.7 Methods of Bracing Structures

9 Structural Integrity and the Design for Accidental Loading

9.1 Precast Frame Integrity – The Vital Issue

9.2 Ductile Frame Design

9.3 Background to the Present Requirements

9.4 Categorisation of Buildings

9.5 The Fully Tied Solution

9.6 Catenary Systems in Precast Construction

10 Site Practice and Temporary Stability

10.1 The Effects of Construction Techniques on Design

10.2 Designing for Pitching and Lifting

10.3 Temporary Frame Stability

10.4 On-Site Connections

10.5 Erection Procedure

10.6 In situ Concrete

10.7 Handover



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