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Forensic Engineering Damage Assessments for Residential and Commercial Structures



Serving as a comprehensive resource that builds a bridge between engineering disciplines and the building sciences and trades, Forensic Engineering: Damage Assessments for Residential and Commercial Structures, Second Edition provides an extensive look into the world of forensic engineering.


  • ISBN: 9780367758134
  • Páginas: 790
  • Tamaño: 17x24
  • Edición:
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Año: 2021

Disponibilidad: 24 horas

Contenido Forensic Engineering Damage Assessments for Residential and Commercial Structures

Serving as a comprehensive resource that builds a bridge between engineering disciplines and the building sciences and trades, Forensic Engineering: Damage Assessments for Residential and Commercial Structures, Second Edition provides an extensive look into the world of forensic engineering. Focusing on investigations associated with insurance industry claims, the book describes methodologies for performing insurance-related investigations, including the causation and origin of damage to residential and commercial structures and/or unhealthy interior environments and adverse effects on the occupants of these structures.

Edited by an industry expert with more than 40 years of experience and contributors with more than 100 years of experience in the field, the book takes the technical aspects of engineering and scientific principles and applies them to real-world issues in a nontechnical manner. The book provides readers with the experiences, investigation methodologies, and investigation protocols used in and derived from thousands of forensic engineering investigations.


    Covers 24 topics in forensic engineering based on thousands of actual field investigations

    Provides a proven methodology based on engineering and scientific principles, experience, and common sense to determine the causes of forensic failures pertaining to residential and commercial properties

    Includes references to many codes, standards, technical literature, and industry best practices

    Illustrates detailed and informative examples utilizing color photographs and figures for industry best practices as well as to identify improper installations

    Combines information from a multitude of resources into one succinct, easy-to-use guide

This book details proven methodologies based on over 10,000 field investigations in which the related strategies can be practically applied and appreciated by both professionals and laymen alike.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

Stephen E. Petty

2. Hail Fundamentals and General Hail-Strike Damage Assessment Methodology

Stephen E. Petty and Noah Monhemius

3. Hail Damage Assessments for Residential and Light Commercial Exterior Finished Surfaces and Steep-Slope Roof Systems

Stephen E. Petty

4. Hail Damage Assessments to Low-Sloped Roof Systems

Ronald L. Lucy and Stephen E. Petty

5. Synthetic Storm Damage (Fraud) to Roof Surfaces

Stephen E. Petty

6. Wind Damage Assessments for Residential and Light Commercial Roofing Systems and Finished Surfaces

Stephen E. Petty and George W. Fels

7. Wind Damage Assessments for Low-Sloped Roof Systems

Ronald L. Lucy and Stephen E. Petty

8. Water Infiltration – Cause and Origin Assessments Steep- and Low-Sloped Roof Systems

George W. Fels

9. Water Infiltration – Cause and Origin Assessments Exterior Residential and Light Commercial Building Envelope

Stephen E. Petty

10. Water Infiltration into Basements

Ronald L. Lucy

11. Indoor Environmental Quality

Stephen E. Petty

12. Attic and Crawlspace Ventilation

Stephen E. Petty

13. Mold and Bacteria

Stephen E. Petty and Herbert D. Layman

14. Forensic Inspection Assessments of Residential Wood Framing Systems

Bryan E. Knepper and Stephen E. Petty

15. Forensic Inspection Assessments of Foundation Walls

Stephen E. Petty

16. Forensic Inspection Assessments of Brick Masonry Chimneys, Veneer Walls, and Porches/Decks

Stephen E. Petty

17. Fire Damage Structural Property Assessments

Stephen E. Petty

18. Vehicle Impact Structural Property Assessments

Stephen E. Petty

19. Tornado-Related Structural Property Damage Assessments

Stephen E. Petty

20. Blast and Explosion Damage Property Assessments

Stephen E. Petty

21. Lightning Damage Property Assessments

Stephen E. Petty

22. Plumbing/Piping/Tubing Failures

Stephen E. Petty and Bryan E. Knepper

23. Equipment Failures and Investigations

Bryan E. Knepper and Stephen E. Petty

24. Serving as an Expert Witness

Thomas E. Schwartz and Stephen E. Petty


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